Ended up working on the car... SMDH. GG still works like a charm despite the updates. Spent some time today looking, and still nada on the turn count. Thinking of trying pausing and doing searches for values minus damage inflicted instead. Though I have been having issues with maintaining a lock on the values after the first round. Turn count would be much quicker.
Looks like I may have the day off, gonna try and see what all the multiple daily updates of late have done. If nothing serious, I'll try my best to look for the Turn Count again. 3 stars are good...
OK, it looks like GG was silently crashing on me. ::Blush:: From what I can tell, it randomly "crashes" and requires a full kill of all processes, and a full reboot to be able to correctly hook into the game again. IDK. I need to root a better device to be sure, but I think it may be my device. =)
Will look into turn count next, with a critical eye for possible unhooks. any success ther eon your part?
So far so good. Game hidden, using SW mode (My device likes it better.) Tower and Field are working, but I can't seem to get a solid fix on Campaign. The Max Hp is good, but the Current Hp eludes me. Any advice? I can find a value for bot in the initial search, but the secondary never changes, and I can't find the current HP afterwards. Missing something else I fear.
Got it working, then I... Upgraded to .1 Suddenly I can't find the current HP, just max. Just reinstalled .0, and...
Working! Nice folks, very very nice. =)
DOH!!! Many thanks Anon1000! Bwa Ha Ha! Got it working finally! Still crashes my phone, but it works on the junker! =)
Still not clear on how to change the values without freezing them, which disables the Hide feature, and results in a crash after the fight. I've tried add to, and replace. Neither one actually affects the current HP value though. Do I need to pause the game, and make the change at a certain time? I'll play with it more tomorrow evening. Thanks for all the help Mandypiri and Anon1000!
Installed on another phone, still getting same error... IDK at this point.
Also, ugh, it WAS Hyper Hero's in the selection window till the crash... Just noted the screencaps show other apps.
Phone, Android also. Still getting errors and game crash when I try to search values. Suspect it may be the new update ahas better scecurity. Downloading Nox, going to give it a shot, as the PC is a *tiny* bit more robust than my phone.
I've been trying, that, but nothing seems to be coming up reliably. They keep panning out as I try and narrow it down.
And now, it just crashes the game. SMDH. ::Mumbles:: Never had these issues w/ CE for PC...
Aye, play. No luck narrowing down any of the values though. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Any hints on finding Att, Def, or HP values? Since battle is the only thing that shouldn't be server sided, it seems the safest way.
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