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Everything posted by yudiantofw

  1. You can try show 50 on result and do increment. If it’s not changed, revert and delete, select all again and do increment. Do it over and over till you get the value. I’ve tried many times, The coins should be work for the first 100. Simcash sometime first 100, sometime in the next 100 result.
  2. I’ll try my best to guide you. If you don’t get it, I’ll make the video. COINS you need sim work as a barista. No matter what level. on the every job event, there are rewards, for example 1 ticket, 45 simoleons & 30 job points. you can do group search like 1;45;30:40 (1 for ticket value, 45 for coins value and 30 for job points value) refine it by 45 (coins value) the result will be over a thousand but okay. Stay on show result 100 because if you show all result (a thousand) and do increment, will crash the game. Do increment now. retap the event job button on the game (pink star button) to see the simoleon value change. If it’s not changed, try to delete and revert (tap trash bin on GG) and do increment again. back to GG and scroll, look for the match value as it shows on the game. Change it. And revert other values you have incremented to make sure it’s “Safe”. I suggest you don’t change the value over 5 millon because when you collect, will freeze the game longer and crash it. take the job event and finish it. So you will earn coins as much as you input. The game will freeze for seconds. But fine. Just wait. And viola! SIMCASH You need reward 7 simcash and 50 simoleon on quest. And complete that quest. But do not collect now! go to GG and search 7;50:40 now refine by 7 there will be over 300 result but okay. Stay on show only first 100 result. I suggest you do not show over 100 because will crash the game. do increment now. Reopen the quest windows to see the change. If the value (simcash) is not changed, delete and revert (tap trash bin on GG). Do increment again. If game crashes after increment, retry. The steps same as coin h**k. The bigger value, the longer the game will freeze when you collect. this methode credit to @DarkangelX15X
  3. Understood, sir. You are the master. I followed EXCACT steps on the video but I don’t understand it does not show 9 digit values you were talking. I’m using GG v8.42 and I can see you are using v8.52.0. Does it matter? I’ll try to use v8.52.2. If it still doesn’t work, okay, I’m done ?
  4. I found hack method much easier than this. For cash you need 7 simcash as reward on “quest”. For coins you need a sim work as barista. Will not hurt your head lol
  5. I follow your instructions, also read all comment but I cannot find 9 digit value. Does it need the newest version of GG? Because mine is v8.42.2. Waiting for you reupload the video. I really apreciate your hard work on this.
  6. Can you please teach me how to hack tickets?
  7. Does it work @Malikah? I tried but fail
  8. Can you please explain how you did it @Tabz3?
  9. It works. thank you @DarkangelX15X. But what does 40 mean? I'm just wondering
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