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  1. I have tried using game guardian and hack tool with no success. Trying to hack unlimited gold and treasure chest. Offline game.
  2. And its is a offline game if that helps
  3. I have used game guardian and hack tool with no results. Any thoughts?
  4. Never mind I figured it out with that app u were using and bam! In the green never heard of this app. Thx again so much!!
  5. That's awesome how do I get or even do that? Sbgamehacker?
  6. Really? Thank you long time member first time requesting anything. I usually like to try my self and most of the time I can get it thx again!
  7. Yes I have tried apk. Editing through my phone. I have an app. Called cheat droid and have tried modifying and even adding command lines and nothing. It's not a sever based game. Any reason why most mobile games now are freezing when using apps like game guardian?
  8. Name of Game: Shattered planet Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk): Version: 1.44 What cheat? Health, xp, gold...: crystals and scrap. Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?: every time I use game guardian the game freezes. Comments:
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