Thanks, I got it to work now too. My problem on inbox hack was that I need to actually walk around do something before I exit the game in order for it to save. To find the pairing address the one above it must not be 0D , thaz what worked for me. And if search results doesn't come out with the ones that are not 0D, restart the game and search again. Thanks everyone that helped me out. The time and efforts you guys put into this community is priceless.
added 4 minutes later
If you guys have not seen this, check it out, easy GG hack that allows you to dupe anything you have in your crates, even single items like guns and wheels, I duped alot of the military 24 slot crates with this. You do have to follow it exactly, meaning you have to press the skull crusher in the craft manual before doing the 12;12;5;4 search.