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IHaIt last won the day on October 10 2017

IHaIt had the most liked content!

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  • Android
    6.0.x (Marshmallow)
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    Oneplus 2

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  1. Hey, YouTube says that you closed your channel. So I can't watch your videos..
  2. It seems that all my accounts are banned. And the method to change IDs of items doesn't work anymore. Anyone experienced it too? Let me know!
  3. Thank you. Sry, then I overlooked these facts if you mentioned it.
  4. I found out that if you change the ID of an item to iron plate, that your save game will corrupt. I used this for search: 19;6619250;7274611;7471221;6619235;6881375;7274610;6226030;7078000;7602273;101
  5. Thanks @NoFear I'm surprised that I can learn something
  6. I don't know what you mean. But if you find a way to make 'free craft' with Game Guardian ingame, then let me know. ?
  7. Modded apk is now available to download.
  8. If someone has the knowledge to hack the 'free craft' feature with Game Guardian, let me know :') @NoFear can you handle this?
  9. Version 1.5.2 is out. A modded apk is coming soon. For all who want to have free craft: Open Lucky Patcher. Go to: [Toolbox] & go to: [Patch to Android] & apply [Disable .apk Signature Verification] install apk from here: http://rexdlfile.com/index.php?id=last-day-on-earth-survival-apk Credits goes to Rexdl
  10. I know that there is a "mod" apk with free craft. I want to hack it manually with GG. ?
  11. Yes we want it!
  12. Hi, I am new here (but not a beginner in game guardian) . I can't find where I can mod the required resources for crafting things. In version 1.4.6 free craft works. In Version 1.5+ it doesn't. Can someone please help me ?
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