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Everything posted by kuruvita

  1. That's too bad. Thank you very much for taking a look at this, Enyby.
  2. Hi Enyby. Here's the saved list file with the same variables as the one I sent before and the region log. This time from a phone running Kitkat. GG_4.4.4_API_19.log com.rd.gp.watsonnoto.txt
  3. Thanks Enyby. By the way, I ran the app on another phone with Kitkat and the float value looks fine. 22779 Var #68E93678|68e93678|10|427c0000|0|0|0|64|rw-p|/data/app-lib/com.rd.gp.watsonnoto-1/libWatsonNotoNeon.so:bss|4e07678 It's the same variable that shows as anonymous in Marshmallow. com.rd.gp.watsonnoto.txt
  4. Thanks Enyby. So, there no way around it? What is an anonymous region, anyway? I thought that memory addresses can always be traced back to a process.
  5. Hi Enyby. It's from the same run. Don't know why it's showing as if it's not. Anyway, I've redone it and attached both the region log and saved list below. The first value on the saved list is dword. That line shows the app details and the magic rebase number. The second value is float, but that line does not show the app details or the magic rebase number. I searched both the values in the same session. I didn't have this problem on Kitkat on an older version of the app. Not sure what's causing the problem: new app version, Marshmallow or new GG version. Thanks. GG_6.0.1_API_23.log com.rd.gp.watsonnoto.txt
  6. Hi Enyby. I've attached the region log. This is how the the saved list looks: 24686 Var #B2B06678|b2b06678|10|428e0000|0|0|0|64|||0 Loading this saved list with items; values; freeze does not work now. I'm guessing because the app details are not being saved in the list. Thanks. GG_6.0.1_API_23.log
  7. When I saved a list with float type in Kit Kat it has the app details in it. e.g. Var_7|68C07828|10|42340000|0|0|0|64|rw-p|/data/app-lib/com.xxx.xxx.xxx-1/libxxxNeon.so:bss|4ddb828 But after upgrading to Marshmallow the saved list for float type is shorter. e.g. Var_7|b2c06e90|10|41c80000|1|0|0|64|||0 How do I fix this? Loading a saved list with items; values; freeze does not work now. Also, what are the numbers right at the end of each line (4ddb828 and 0 in my examples above)? Hope you guys can help me out. Thanks a bunch.
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