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Everything posted by Krakken

  1. I believe the trick is to unfreeze the condition values before leaving a map and freezing when entering. My biggest trouble is narrowing down this value. For that I need help, I need a way to find the Dword for weapon condition maybe connected to another value through a group search or through a specific offset.. I end up wasting more bullets trying to find this value than to make the hack work. Once you freeze, you're good. Refer to:
  2. I'll post a video later. Was that with HP or durability? Durability is harder to narrow down. I was able to successfully freeze a hammer's durability and keep the data after that. It's between 1-100 with -1 step value change after each hit. I don't know if that's like that for heavy weapons (glock wastes -1 per shot but I'm not so sure about the shotgun or M4 or heavy maces). I'll look into it.
  3. Found a way to hack HP. 1. Lose some HP and search for that amount on Double Anonymous. 2. Heal/get hit and refine until you get only one address. Go to it. 3. Select that address and the address two lines above it and save them both for their Double values (yes, with the exponential one). 4. Freeze them both. When you log out, your progress will not be lost. Let me know if you need video. ________ To hack durability: 1. Find your weapon durability by doing a range search on Dword between 1~100.(if the bar is practically full you can visualy say it's around 85%, you can do 75~95 for example) 2. Hit something once. Only once. 3. Fuzzy search a value which Decreased. 4. Repeat 2&3 until you get a value between 1 and 100. Don't break the weapon... 5. Go to the value. On the table it's very similar to freeze dupe: freeze the durability Dword value and the durability check Dword value on the address directly above it. It saves your progress.
  4. No luck with health, I've been freezing it but the progress isn't saved, looking for new methods. Regarding items, I only know how to freeze dupe resources and with that craft abuse, but you need the items, 2 minimum to generate infinity. Hit me up if you have trouble. Here's the idea: 1. Have a divisible stack in your inventory which you can't move around ever during duping. 2. Search Dword Anonymous on GG for that stack amount. 3. Split the stack, refine search with the new value. Reconnect the split stack with the original one and refine search again. Do so until you have one address which will correspond to the amount of the stack in that inventory slot. 4. Tap that address. Bottom left, there is a Go To button. Click it. 5. Now, on the address page, you will find the address with the value of your stack on Dword. Right above that there is another address directly linked to the first one. This is the verification address. It's a check for value changes on your stack amount. Select both these addresses on the tick box and save them. 6. On the saved addresses page, freeze both (there's a lock icon that changes to = when you do so). 7. Back in game, power-split the frozen stack as much as you can, connect the stacks to 20's except the frozen one, store goods, rinse and repeat. Notes: once you move the stack you've track down you'll break the chain and will have to start over. For safety, kill the game and log back in to make sure the changes you've made applied, you'll notice in the videos that I kill the game immediately. No "move around to another map" bullshit. If it works it's because it was well done. When abusing crafting, don't spam the craft button. Mind your slots. Excessive crafting will make the game get like internal bleeding, your progress won't be saved after a certain point even though you spent 15 minutes crafting gear after screwing up... Try to be very meticulous on the way you observe each step and you'll find bridges to new approaches even. Good luck, mate.
  5. Try this method. It worked for me even after editing coins and screwing up the values a bit. Nailed at the first attempt flawlessly already on V.1.5.2. Good luck, mate:
  6. Don't try to manipulate many things at once when starting up. Try to look really closely to every step and pay close attention to the way values change and how addresses are influencing one and another. Pay meticulous attention to @NoFear, he has some great tutorials on how to do everything you're looking for step by step. Note how many times he shuts off the game. That is guaranteeing him whichever value he changes stays applied after game restart. If you do everything right, it will stay. Trust yourself and focus. It's way easier once you nail it, mate.
  7. As a famous, wise crackhead once said, "they may take me off crack, but they'll never take the crack off of me" And by that he meant that even if they take away the data from us, they'll never be able to take the experience, the pleasure and the knowledge away from us.
  8. Weapon crates are not stackable, thus can't be duped like resources. I'll try to work on durability then. No luck with HP so far.
  9. Exactly. Because modded apks aren't linked to the official developer, thus removing the signature verification. That means the game won't check who "signed it", i.e you're allowing anyone to edit updates to that application. Anyone stamping code unto the game will be allowed to do so by you. None of your progress actually is official because you're force-disconnecting by doing so, and Google won't update your game once it fails that check. That's what's bad with Lucky Patcher. Certainly it makes a lot of work easy on hard applications but to a certain extent. It's one of my favorite Android tools, don't take me wrong. GameGuardian, on the other hand, is still the best tool to work LDOE. It allows, at the moment, hack your way through beta. Nothing grants us any of these hacks will work will the game is finished as we all see from online games which have verifications and checks for every value change on every single move you do. We're all very lucky all the value changes on LDOE happen on the client-side. Once they transition to server-side value changes all of this will be impossible. They said there were going to be wipes, none have happened yet. Maybe they will, maybe they won't. Who cares? I'm taking this opportunity to learn loads from value changing and analysis and I take my pleasure mostly from that. Sure the game is great... So I'm trying to get most out of both. If we keep the coins and items, excellent. If not, it was a great learning opportunity and experience. I try to see it that way... Working on HP freeze but no syncing yet. Working on weapon condition freeze but no syncing either.
  10. You can keep them in your inventory, that's irrelevant, mate. Just do what you have to do. After the moment you move the frozen stack around you lose the address, so do everything you must before that. Here's a video on another way how to abuse freeze dupe, this time on crafting. - your frozen stack must have at least twice the amount of items necessary to craft one equip. - if the required stack is over 10, have a safety stack below your frozen stack (i.e. If it asks for 12 iron) - does not work with items requiring 20 parts like SWAT top and bottom, you need to have your frozen stack at the bottom of your inventory and splitting what you need without consuming that stack. This is just a shortcut to the same thing, but faster. I'm trying to get a second weapon crate to confirm if they stack or not. If they do, we have an infinite source of armor and weapons easily.
  11. Watch the videos closely, duping works well still on V.1.5.2 there's no need to move maps or any activity to save. Just quit and restart until you nail it. Good luck
  12. Worked amazingly lol I was surprised, I don't think I am understanding how the gold is managed... Editing 5 addresses at once only raises more questions! Thanks, mate
  13. Freeze Dupe is working fine, I don't know if you've tried it yet.
  14. Here's video for it anyway, if you want to dupe items with only 2. Be careful to unfreeze. https://youtu.be/LF_9t_sed30
  15. Watch the video closely, step by step. You must be in your inventory, and clean preferably at least at first. Select your stack so you don't forget which slot you're clicking on. When you find your value, go to it in the addresses list. You must save that address and the value check directly above it. It's a 3-digit Dword. Save both. Get your stack back to max (20 if possible) in case you split it. Freeze both values. In game, split until you fill. Don't forget to unfreeze. Connect the stacks so it makes stacks of 20 again and store. You don't have to move map or do anything at all. Just kill the game and check if it worked until you nail it. It's very intuitive, I'll try to record a new video.
  16. I don't know any way to duplicate fixed items. I don't think it's possible to copy-paste the information of an inventory slot to another. I only know how to work with variable numbers, and since you can't stack and split a weapon, the only approach I saw possible would be editing or freezing the condition. I can find the values, thanks to @NoFearfor showing new ways to find unknown values with fuzzy searches. By fuzzy searching in a map, and rescan decreasing values after hitting one zombie, I narrowed down to a number between 0 and 100 which corresponds to condition. It changes -2 points after each hit. It has a value check on the address above it but freezing both like freeze dupe had no effect before or after relog. This assuming condition is a decreasing value which goes from 100 to 0... So I thought maybe it's an increasing value for the weapons own damage but also no success even after finding another address which increases +2 points after each hit and is directly related to the weapons condition as well. I don't know if it is a situation like gold where NoFear said there were current, initial and spent values/addresses for gold. BTW, many thanks @NoFear, I've really learned a bunch from you directly or indirectly only on this thread. Genius!
  17. I've already posted a video and tutorial on how to dupe items with freeze so you fill your chests within a minute.. Same method working on v1.5.1
  18. Whenever the game doesn't save your progress, it's not because you're not doing a particular activity like traveling or crafting. It's because some value changes tripwired some security measure or maybe it's just a miscommunication crash. What you need to look for is what changes you've made that caused so. I would suggest paying close attention to the values you're inputting and where. There are a lot of verification addresses that are there simply to make sure every value corresponds to the original. With such system, it's useless to make major edits just by changing values on the search page. I would suggest, if it's gold, to try different amounts. I successfully changed mine with 400k values. I was screwing up with bigger and even smaller values. Guess I was lucky with that back on 1.4.6. Also, when trying edits, do everything step by step. If you're editing gold, edit your gold and quit, restart the game to check. Same goes for duping. If you start advancing too much without making sure the values stay, you will risk losing everything you've done beyond the point where there was a wrong value change. It's like the game crashes immediately after you screwed up but won't let you know. So for safety, don't do much at once, experiment and relog. If everything goes well you won't lose one second of progress. What were you editing? Cheers and happy haxxin EDIT: I must have accidentally deleted this post. UPDATE ON DUPING Good news! Freezing works like a charm and will definitely speed up the item duplication process. Just be careful to unlock the freeze after you're done. Time to rush filling your chests. Video below. http://youtu.be/GOfP35uEVdw
  19. Whenever the game doesn't save your progress, it's not because you're not doing a particular activity like traveling or crafting. It's because some value changes tripwired some security measure or maybe it's just a miscommunication crash. What you need to look for is what changes you've made that caused so. I would suggest paying close attention to the values you're inputting and where. There are a lot of verification addresses that are there simply to make sure every value corresponds to the original. With such system, it's useless to make major edits just by changing values on the search page. I would suggest, if it's gold, to try different amounts. I successfully changed mine with 400k values. I was screwing up with bigger and even smaller values. Guess I was lucky with that back on 1.4.6. Also, when trying edits, do everything step by step. If you're editing gold, edit your gold and quit, restart the game to check. Same goes for duping. If you start advancing too much without making sure the values stay, you will risk losing everything you've done beyond the point where there was a wrong value change. It's like the game crashes immediately after you screwed up but won't let you know. So for safety, don't do much at once, experiment and relog. If everything goes well you won't lose one second of progress. What were you editing? Cheers and happy haxxin
  20. The principle is very simple, you're trying to trim down huge amounts of data into what you need. For values which you can control, it's simple. Say you're trying to find out what address holds the information of your stack of 10 logs. You scan the value 10 and you get loads of results. To trim, you can split that stack, so it's 5 now. Go to GG and rescan the same list for 5. The results are trimmed. Then you move the split stack back to the original stack so it's 10 again. Rescan for 10. Rinse and repeat until you end up with one address only. So now half of it is done. If you touch that address, on the bottom left there's a Go To button. It'll take you to the addresses list, where you'll find that same value along with other types. Ignore the exponential values since they're waaaay too messy to touch. The most important part here is to pay attention to the address above this one. It has a different behavior but it is directly connected to the address you technically want to change. So you have a stack of 10, right? And the address shows 10D, as in value 10 on Dword. Take note of the Dword value of the address above that. Say it's 567. Go back to the game and split that stack of 10 into 5. On the address list it'll show 5D on the "original" address, and say 572D on the "verification" address. Change Dword value there from 572 to 567, and the original one from 5 to 10. Back to the game, and split the original stack of 5. It'll create 5 more as if that pile had 10. Take note if you're moving on to different amounts. It may not be linear like add 10 to one, add 10 to another. So if you end up duping until you get a stack of 20, take note of the Dword values for the verification address and rinse and repeat using the same method. Honestly I haven't tried freezing the values but this method works flawlessly and you're able to quit and restart the game without losing anything if you did everything right. I think this method is sort of simple to work with and can already give you lots of advantages. You only need 2 of an item to dupe it successfully. If you go back to page 2 I posted a video with this method already on v1.5. I won't give any input on coin manipulation since I managed to edit mine to 400k on 1.4.6 and I haven't had the balls to risk editing those. Best of luck, this is more intuitive than it seems once you understand how the tool works. Happy haxxin
  21. Those are addresses. These addresses are like "place indicators" for reference. The 24.0 is the value. The value is what you're going to work on. Addresses aren't important because you will not edit them, just the values. I don't mean to be rude, mate, but this is a bit complex and you should look up how to work with GG. I understand the urge to advance progress easily, if that is your plan, try to follow videos closely. At some point you will need to be able to figure it out on your own but you will find it is very intuitive. But try to look up GG basics. The problem is that LDOE is a somewhat complex game to edit, I cracked my skull with this a lot and managed to learn TONS just with messing around trying new methods. It already made me clear data on the game so... Just try to be very careful.
  22. Item dupe on v1.5 like shown a few posts above on video: Good luck and happy haxxin.
  23. Check my post for expanding resources just a bit above. Works flawlessly.
  24. Haven't had any luck with this method on 1.5 either but I have another method for you. This requires 2 items minimum and you can multiply as many resources as you want. Take an item, let's say 5 logs and put them in your inventory. Scan on Dword Anonymous. Split and rescan, move back the logs to the original pile and rescan, until you figured which address it is. Go to it. On the addresses table, you'll see the one you found with Dword for what you have. Above that address you'll see sort of a bigger number, let's say 456 Dword. Now the idea is to see how this 456 changes when you split items. This is very important. When you split the 5 logs and remain 3 in that space, notice the 456 changes to something like 462,a different number. The idea is to replace this 462 with 456 and the "original" address, which was 3, back to 5. This forces that slot to have the exact value before splitting. Now beyond this you rinse and repeat until you can make a set of 20, take note of the values and repeat the process by splitting and changing again the addresses. So you're multiplying blocks of 10. It's important to obey the values since they change whenever you restart the game. Putting any value that is not coherent won't let you save the progress. Be careful, I'll try to take some screenshots of this. Cheers and happy haxxin EDIT: added pics, hope they're clear, if not I'll record a small clip.
  25. Alright, finally managed to edit coins successfully and I was able to save the progress. What was ruining the save was the skill point edit. I was editing skill points and gold after that, so it never saved. Set up searches for Anonymous only and scan your gold on Double. To rescan, reset skill points for 5 gold. Once you reduce your scan for one single value, go to that address. Add the amount you need to the existing value. Two addresses above, do the same for Dword, adding the amount to that. I did it with 400.000. After doing so, I was able to keep the gold. I'm pretty sure editing skill points was causing the game not to save. [EDIT: not having much luck with this after the 1.5 update, kept the coins but having trouble editing values] Another cool thing I've been doing is to multiply resources with schematics. It works on crafting that needs 3 or more items. So something need like 3 wood, 5 stone, 2 rope you can group search Dword for it like: 3;5;2::15 (if you get more than 21 results, try reducing the group amount from 15 down to 5 (below 5 will present no results. Now directly on the scan page, edit all values to -20. Click on another recipe and back to the edited one and they will request -20 of each. You must have only 1 item of each on your inventory. When you try to build it, it will return to you stacks of 20 of the materials requested and the crafted item. Store the profits, put 1 piece of each in your inventory, rinse and repeat. If you want pics for this, I'll be happy to provide. Cheers and happy haxxin
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