@Ashish007 i had the same problem the game won't let you play if you are rooted with su so just install xposed and download the latest root cloak module then use it to hide root from the game. If it still doesn't solve it then leave it, the game isnt that good really. Its just a point and click type of garbage
The date on upper left of loading menu says its 23 April and i think that's the real reason however when i tried to use root cloak game just kept crashing without even showing the loading. I've forwarded a ticket let you guys know if the problem is on their side or its just another stupid hack protection.
Yeah i know it didn't happen and i tried really hard to make it happen idk i uninstalled it after couple weeks maybe the game figured i was hacking by now
Need help guys come on there should be still a way to hack diamonds. Did everything i could still no progression. @NoFearbro did you hack this game before?
Edit: NVM i'm an idiot and as always i tried to hack the store last...
Hack the store value guys try the legendary lottery one search for 85;425(gem values for prices) you are gonna get 2 value so just edit them to hell of negative.
Thanks i've managed to find the timer its system colon 14th one. But.. It messed up every timer i have in game :D:D i may have use it a little bit too much because there is 20h until my next box ahaha:D any idea how to fix it?
There are mods on sites and 1 vip mod on ios for gems but i cant find any available hacks on android. Either game has the best protection on market or its not popular as it seems
I tried fuzzy search, encrypted exact search but nothing helped. I think these datas may be stored at my.com's servers its a big company i think they can afford it.
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