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Everything posted by Arafman

  1. I want to make easier for my grp members. If we want to upgrade the boathouse storage we need lot's planks,anchors and life rings, but there is a limit, we can post just 3 planks or anchors at the same time , so it takes lot's of time to upgrade. That's why i want to do that so that i can post 15-20 planks or anchors at the same time. I followed this tutorial but images are missing.
  2. Yea like thoose pic , some items are limited to 3 ,i can sell maximum 3 at the market , so i want to increase it to 15-20. Some people did lot more lol , see this pic : http://prnt.sc/f7clp4
  3. Yes i want to increase the item limit.
  4. Yes i did , but not working can u check if you have time.
  5. Hey there , i am learning memory editing with gg , but having some issues, I am talking about farmville tropic escape game, Check this pic : http://prnt.sc/f7ckds In this pic you can see i can sell maximum 3 planks at a time, i just want to increase the value , i edited and freezed the value , it's not working, i want to modify the value like this pic : http://prnt.sc/f7clp4 In that picture you can see how he edited. I hope you will help me. Thanks in Advance
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