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Everything posted by WonderHow

  1. Thanks bad .. I was looking for it from pages 59 -...
  2. Thanks but i mean the vid they do to the military box where limestone id where changed to 700 mili box .. Uuhhmm how to simplify it .. How can I Find the Items IDs in game
  3. Is there any tutorial on how to find the Item IDs of non stockable items(ImeanNoneSplitableItems) such as guns and armour?? So that i can change the wood ids on my inbox to bunch of shotguns
  4. Yeah thanks @NoFear This method works for me ..but a little confused ..some of my item inbox work some did.not ..btw im going to figure it out haha.. But still my vintores has an invisible value of 1000 haha
  5. Yes sir i. Followed every single steps ..and yeah it turns to millions but wont save ...can you upload a new vid again ...like stacking your weapon on inbox ..and i also use bluestacks for my phone cnt be root
  6. well still dont work but still thanks .....
  7. is there any inbox stacking to mil.. it seems like the krakken vids dont work on mine anymore but I tried it on my friends with his store glitch(i mean it wasnt like 1.5.7 store its was stuck to 1.5.6 old items for short ) works _______________________________________________ added 3 minutes later is there any inbox dupe or making a million stack on it ..just like krakken vids .. for 1.5.7
  8. Is it still working??
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