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EfrainTrejo last won the day on May 26 2013

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    Nexus 5,Nexus 7 2013,HTC Sensation;Asus TF300T;Asus Nexus 7
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  1. I meant if you update it you won't loose your progress. Which in some cheats it does and you have to put the cheat back on. No duh you will loose your progress so far its a cheat that gives you unlimited money why would you want to have your previous progress. When you can just buy everything. Sent from my HTC Sensation using Tapatalk 2 I don't think you can Sent from my HTC Sensation using Tapatalk 2
  2. Search XDA then your device if you want root
  3. To tell you the truth I don't think you need root access an all you have to do is download the game file and replace the file I said up there with the doc file and just restart it and it should work and you can also update it and you won't loose anything
  4. check my profile, made a mode for Real Racing 3 unlimited R$ and Gold, make sure to check it out and tell me if it works for you :)

  5. it also happens to me android my phone is the htc sensation rooted running cm10 nightlys
  6. Play Store Icon Image (upload it to GGImage) Name of Game:Real Racing 3 Game Version if known: Name of Cheat:Hack Search Regions Needed: Steps: 1. You have to have root access of course. 2. Have the game downloaded already on your phone/tablet. 3. Connect the device to your computer. 4. Pull up your files on you tablet. (like when your transfer zip files to the internal or maybe mini sd card) 5. Look for a folder called android click on it. 6. Find a file named com.ea.games.r3 or something very similar to that click on it. 7. Replace the folder named doc with the doc folder i provided for downloading. (will ask if you want to replace all the contents with the folder that i provided say yes and replace all files) 8. Disconnect your device after the process is done and start Real Racing 3 again and have fun with unlimited everything Make sure to extract files with a rar program and it will make a folder named doc open it and another folder named doc will be in it make sure to chose that one and pull it out and just put it on your desktop and if its not named doc just rename it to doc. Sorry if i made it so complicated. Dont explain steps very well hope it worked for you like it did for me doc.rar
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