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    Lenovo A3300-HV

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  1. Hello, Mello. I beg your pardon. I took your script as a basis and changed it a bit. Added increased acceleration. Unfortunately I can not say who is its author. Because the script was downloaded from the Internet. Apparently you can get banned. Chams somehow does not work. I hope you will fix it. Your script is very good. Best of all. Other authors will be killed by greed. Let your script will remain popular. Good Luck! What's changed: - Speed hack. - Tweaked your text with warnings about the possible bath of those who use speedhack, shot through the walls and the admin panel. Script itself: GoB_By_Mello(ED).txt
  2. Who the first wrote, the really mentally ill,,|,, BOO-GA-GA?
  3. Hello, Mello. I need only three functions from your script: 1. Speed hack 2. Light AimLock 3. Always Headshot Other functions are not needed. That's all. Can you create this? Thanks.
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