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Everything posted by bmouth

  1. When you increase your Skill Tree, it will sync with the server, and if you use skill points that you dun really have, the server can detect it and you will be banned.
  2. So for those interested, I have reversed the formula to encode the STAGE variable: Excel formula to encode an offset: =((MOD(Floor(<STAGE>/64,1),2^1))*64+(MOD(Floor(<STAGE>/64,1),2^2)>=2)*-128+(MOD(Floor(<STAGE>/64,1),2^3)>=2^2)*256+(MOD(Floor(<STAGE>/64,1),2^4)>=2^3)*512+(MOD(Floor(<STAGE>/64,1),2^5)>=2^4)*-1024+(MOD(Floor(<STAGE>/64,1),2^6)>=2^5)*-2048)-MOD(<STAGE>,64)+ISODD(<STAGE>)*2 This offset is then added to a fixed number -1,908,683,586 Example Values: Stage 1 - Offset: +1 | Encoded: -1,908,683,585 Stage 2 - Offset: -2 | Encoded: -1,908,683,588 Stage 3 - Offset: -1 | Encoded: -1,908,683,587 Stage 4 - Offset: -4 | Encoded: -1,908,683,590 ... Stage 10 - Offset: -10 | Encoded: -1,908,683,593 Stage 100 - Offset: 28 | Encoded: -1,908,683,558 Stage 200 - Offset: -72 | Encoded: -1,908,683,658 Stage 400 - Offset: 112 | Encoded: -1,908,683,474 Stage 800 - Offset: 736 | Encoded: -1,908,682,850 Stage 1000 - Offset: 664 | Encoded: -1,908,682,922 Stage 1800 - Offset: -264 | Encoded: -1,908,683,850 Stage 2500 - Offset: -1860 | Encoded: -1,908,685,446 Stage 3000 - Offset: -1464 | Encoded: -1,908,685,050 Stage 3500 - Offset: -2988 | Encoded: -1,908,686,574 In theory, you can set yourself at Stage 3501 by using -1,908,686,573, but you will very likely get banned. Hope someone find this helpful.
  3. I found an easy way to search for the Titan's HP number if you have already prestige, but only works if you have the equipment that reduce Titan's HP. 1. Make sure the equipment that reduces Titan's HP is not equipped 2. Search for = 1.875f 3. Equip that equipment 4. Search for < 1.875f 5. Sometimes this gives me 1 results, or there sure be only 1 address that ends in xxx7c, If not simply unequip the equipment and search for = 1.875f again
  4. I never tried that, but I assume it will be the same encryption method. However I think the Career Stats are server synced, so I dun think it's a good idea to change it drasticly
  5. Another easy value to search for is mana, I find it by having your mana full, for example if I have 44/44 mana, simply search for 44f;44f:5 and there should be only 2 results, first one being the current mana, and the second one being the max mana. Locking the first one will give you unlimited mana. It doesn't work if mana is not full, since in memory the current mana keeps recovering, so even if you see 20/44 on screen, in memory it could be 20.23123 and the group search won't work. I saw someone posted that they can keep a skill active infinitely, can someone show me how that can be done?
  6. Hello I am new to this forum, but I would like to share my discoveries. I found the addresses to some of the values in the Stats page: Critical Chance - 7xxxxx94 (float - this is saved as a simple decimal, if you have 5% critical chance, just search for 0.05, changing this to 1 will gives you 100% critical chance) Min Critical Multiplier - 7xxxxx9C (encoded float) Max Critical Multiplier - 7xxxxxA4 (encoded float) These values are grouped together with the same offsets, so if you find one of the above addresses, you know the rest are just nearby. All Damage - 7xxxxx1C Hero Damage - 7xxxxx24 Melee Damage - 7xxxxx2C Ranged Damage - 7xxxxx34 Magic Damage - 7xxxxx3C Chesterson Gold Amount - 7xxxxx84 Chesterson Chance - 7xxxxx8C Gold Multiplier - 7xxxxxCC Titan HP - 7xxxx(x+1)7C Tap Damage Multiplier - 7xxxx(x+2)04 These values are all encoded float, I reversed engineered the encoding method, the formula below: To encode a value, take the following steps: 1. V1 = Floor(Log2(<value> / 2)) + 1 2. V2 = Floor(<V1> / 8) + 1 3. encoded = 2<V2> * ( 1 + ( MOD(<V1> - 1, 8) + <value> / 2<V1> - 1 ) / 8 ) To decode a memory value, take the following steps: 1. V1 = Floor(Log2(<value>)) 2. V2 = (<V1> - 1) * 8 + Floor((<value> - 2<V1>) / (2<V1> / 8)) + 1 3. decoded = 2<V2> * (1 + Mod( (<value> - 2<V1>) / (2<V1>/8), 1 ) ) The excel formula I use to enocde: =2^(FLOOR((FLOOR(LOG(<VALUE>/2,2),1)+1)/8)+1)*(1+(MOD(FLOOR(LOG(<VALUE>/2,2),1),8)+<VALUE>/(2^(FLOOR(LOG(<VALUE>/2,2),1)+1))-1)/8) this above formula has a mistake, the one below gives me the correct encoded values: =2^(FLOOR((FLOOR(LOG(<VALUE>/2,2),1))/8,1)+1)*(1+(MOD((FLOOR(LOG(<VALUE>/2,2),1)),8)+<VALUE>/(2^(FLOOR(LOG(<VALUE>/2,2),1)+1))-1)/8) just replace <VALUE> with the correct cell Sample values: Value -> Encoded 1 -> 1.875 1.1 -> 1.8875 (I just realized the float is not exact value, so it is actually stored as 1.88749992847) 0.5 -> 1.75 0.1 -> 1.45 2 -> 2 10 -> 2.5625 100 -> 3.390625 512 -> 4 So what I do is get some equipment or pets, say you have normally 1x All Damage Bonus, and have a Pet that give 1.1x All Damage Bonus, I would equip another Pet, then search for 1.875 (for 1x All Damage Bonus), then equip the 1.1x All Damage Pet, and the search for 1.8875 (for 1.1x All Damage Bonus), it should gives you a single address, that will be the address for All Damage Bonus, you can change its value to 1449.41, that will give you 1e23x bonus (it will show 1e25% in the Stats Page). Even if you change your equipment or pets, or prestige, it will only modify this value and not reset it, only if you quit the game and restart, it will then resets the value. I have tried multiple times and never got the teapot, given you prestige at reasonable stages (i.e. reaching stage 3500 within 5 prestiges is unreasonable, take your time to gain some equipments/pets/skill points/prestiges before pushing up stages). This will work for any of the values listed above. You could in theory change the Titan HP to 0.1x (1.45), and Gold Multiplier to 10x (2.5625), so you still get the same amount of Gold as before but Titans becomes much easier to kill. Hope someone find this helpful.
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