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  1. Name of Game: Star Wars Knights of the old Republic Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk): http://onhax.net/knights-of-the-old-republic/(I paid for mine on Google play) Version: 1.0.1 What cheat?: Feats and skills Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?: I was able to modify character lvl but can't pinpoint on feats and skills when Lvling up Comments: if you max you lvl too soon by molding then in the game later you can't use a lightsaber or use new skills. Trying to mod feat points and skill points would work wonderfully
  2. Freedom doesnt work. Even if it did youd be banned pretty fast
  3. Not sure...have you tried going into superuser/superSU and making sure its not denied. Or try installing a different version... Would they be able to patch it with out releasing an updated apk? I haven't tried as of late duo to my schedule but I'll try again here shortly
  4. Yes. After some hints from another forum I started testing out that screen and so far it still works
  5. Yea. I added about 60k at the payout screen and went and bought the tech lvl 3 upgrade and Ibought some painkillers and a gun upgrade....worked perfect
  6. Yea this game isn't unhackable there's a modded apk out with 9999999 lollipops always 150 turns infinite specials
  7. Thanks for the warning d2dyno. So far i haven't been banned yet. I'll keep my fingers crossed
  8. My way probably no seeing as how gold can't be earned in game. That and if you mod gold you'll most likely get banned for sure
  9. How much did you add to your cash? I only do increments of 50 60k 6 times total so far and havent been banned. Which is what sounds like happened to you....that's 100% my fault. I should of said don't change the value by alot
  10. Using the method I posted I've yet to be banned....I only do increments of 50 60k so maybe we only need to cheat a smaller amount of cash to stay undetected
  11. Steps: Open both dead trigger 2, and Gamekiller. ( I don't know how to search float values in game gaurdian.) 2. Play a game and get as many cash drops as possible. 3. At the end of a level you will come to the first uploaded image 4. In game killer search your money value like I did in image 2 5. Change all floating values that are one smaller than your actually value. I searched 398 and changed all values that were 397. 6. Profit! The only problem ive had so far was that sometimes a lot of values show up. The most I've had was 150. But I still change all values that are smaller cause I don't know how to make any smaller show up. Let me know if this works EDIT: DONT!!!!!!!! Add a huge amount of cash. When you do you'll most likely get banned. I've done this trick about 6 times adding about 60k to the value without getting the connection failed error
  12. dead trigger 2 is running circles around me!

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