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Posts posted by jasonxD

  1. Name of Game:toy defense HD

    Game Version if known: 1.00.00 build 250520012

    Name of Cheat:all hack

    Name of Adress (if any):

    Manual Steps:

    What u will need:

    - rooted phone

    - memory hacking app (in this case gameCIH)

    - a calculator (not needed if u good at math)

    - a pen and a piece of paper ( also jot needed if u have a good memory)

    As yes123 said in req section the in game value indeed encrypted... but I daresay with simple way of multiplying... with the multiply factor of 1184...

    That's why we gonna need calculator bcause 1184 is not an easy number lol

    These are the steps:

    - open gamecih and then run ur game

    - open shop in game and u will find this screen:

    - from left bomb we label it as "b", life points ee label it as "a", and blocks we label it as "c", write them down on the paper...

    - ok now we gonna search for block's value... to find it u must search for c*1184, in the picture above c value is 100 so we must search for 100*1184=118400, see below

    - u will find the result with the label "c", click on it and u will see screen below

    -click on "related" u will find several result

    - as I mentioned above the bomb value will be labeled as "b" scroll down untill u find it

    - just in case u want to verify the value if u find sum result labeled as "b" u can calculate it b*1184, in my example 45*1184=53280

    - and scroll down again to find "a" value shown bellow

    - after u find those three result u can change it to ur desire... but when u change it tadaaaaa GAMEHACKING DETECTED THE GAME WILL BE SHUT DOWN IN 10...9.8...and soon...lol...

    - please dun forget that all this value kultiplier is 1184... so u will need to change it to 1184 multiplier too... if u change it to a random number not a multiplier of 1184 the game hacking message will be appear lol... so STICK WITH UR CALCULATOR lol

    done with those 3 value now it's time to hack in game gold and life...

    It's also an easy one...

    - ok now start a game u will find this screen on stage 2-2

    - write down gold value and ur life

    - same multiplier search for gold*1184, in this stage it will be 400*1184= 473600

    u will find the result labeled with "aB" select it u will find as seen bellow

    - click on "related" scroll down find a adress with label "g" with value life*1184, in this stage 16*1184 = 18944 as seen bellow:

    - change "aB" value to 118400000 and u can lock "g" value... it will gives u 100k gold and invincibility lol

    Happy gaming 

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