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  1. @Enyby Is in that forum only show the car ids? Not asphalt db?
  2. @Enyby that ur post in that site? Can you post in here with English? I translate and I'm not understand
  3. Hey guy's this is simple tutorial to hack Booster in Asphalt 8, you can get this with known value, be sure the Internet connection is offline (for safety)
  4. It's very easy just edit time and you find the list value in one track
  5. Unfortunately my English is bad so maybe I wrong in speak.. I'll upload video later.
  6. Do you understand what I'm saying? I just use different methods and it works. @Canadian use known value and encrypted dword, and I use unknown value and decreased
  7. I use unknown value, and how value changed? I use decrease, it fast too, and easy I think
  8. @Canadian Actually I can't find value with this method, the value always changed, I use unknown and decrease, maybe you will try?
  9. How you search @Canadian, use Dword or Auto?
  10. Haha you're so cool, I'm still crash.. Can you tutorial for me @Canadian? _______________________________________________ added 2 minutes later Maybe I very fast to change value, result still 98 and I change all, I'll try it later
  11. I search unknown with all.. And use Dword to change value, but I don't know where the value, I only select all and edit with Dword, if successful and I click then force stop. Actually I don't like Titanium Backup, even I restore, I open game and force close. I only rename obb/data first and clear data, and rename again (just avoid to download again)
  12. Hope so if @Futurnet did not mind.. I want know he use what Float or Dword.. In search. Just try if you offline @Canadian if you fail, you can clear data, and sign again and your extra tank still same
  13. @Rahul yes just like Asphalt 8 too.. But i confused for id, i only try like in videos and if must beat time, it easy for search.. @NoFear i'm waiting for your list, good luck..
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