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Everything posted by EVILSS

  1. hmmmm. welcome to the forum.lurker
  2. its a fun lil rc car racing game graphics are nice and fun to play. play multiplayer on wifi. they have some bad ***** cars. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nextgenreality.minimoto&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDEsImNvbS5uZXh0Z2VucmVhbGl0eS5taW5pbW90byJd
  3. I love it. I have been playing it everyday.
  4. I tried using titanuim back up with galaxy nexus and it crashed for me i had to save the save to my pc then remove new save from new game place in modded save and it worked. But i dont have a sd card on my phone it took about 10 tries before i figured it out to play Z4
  5. Yes i know its not all awsome graphics but the game is fun and addicting. Oh i also have not even cheated it because i like playing it. I dont have link and its free in the market. Shoot cars build up cars its just a cool game.
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