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Posts posted by A11a10n3m3

  1. I too tried but in other game it's daammnnn hard to finding right value from encrypted these day's game hard to do and time taking.. I just changed dword value but that showing changed 60-849(any value I want) but not able to use that if I try to use that value I got version error or cannot connected pop up xD rip well let's see what things I will be get.. games are changed and I also see few new videos those uploaded by enyby .. ah one request to enyby can he help us little in picking values from different ways I guess dword not working need to learn how to change value in hex or bin I know that's mind sucking 😂 but I guess if we able to change hex or bin value that will be work (may be) and pls enyby if ur going to make a video about this topic plz pic some game not a gg victim app .. ( sorry I wirte after the 2016 xD (life is sucks my life I mean)) see u guys 

  2. Well sorry to read this someone's account is banned. Well in simple way don't use script for become top in list of online event that's a bad idea. Better you have to restart the game before you going to play online event. It's okay if you not become 1st in online event but other side you will be never be banned. Enyby is right buddy you need to start again totally fresh start don't be sad you will be get all things in 4 hours well BP I never tried and i not suggest to you for get the BP cars just wait for event you will be get that BP cars and others.  Oh yes enyby i have a small question how that guy is able to make time 9secs ? in a online event. Well is he will be get banned or not that's my question. Well i not want to do that i am happy with my position ? 



    use  a token car is kind a easy hack that's  one of old video uploaded by enyby well I guess it's it's just need shit the that car value with token car ? and after restarting a game. well I got a problem by with that in my account this car behaviour is change into normal car ? but it's okay...  and yes yes I enyby can you tell me how to beat ghost in r&d well if just remove the ghost only just as like we remove other racers ???


  4. A very wired thing happened g.g ,sh thing working on castle clash sh is no use on c.c , I think sh work on those have file in obb. I am not stand no where in Android code well.. I think its a system and locations of partitions is change. Marshmallow Not same as like as KitKat in partition thats why problem in sh. Man idk what to do... XD

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