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  1. Skullboyq's post in [Request] Armies of dragons was marked as the answer   
    Ever tried searching float instead of Dword  ^^
    Go to the same screen i was 
    Have exactly these 2 shop items on your screen (i dont know how but when i didnt have these on the screen it didnt work)
    search float value of the 2 shop items,
    You will really only get 2 values (not kidding)
    Edit them to -2billion (anything above that the game resets your money to 0 and may change memory location which isnt all that bad)
    Buy item
    2bill gold, same applies for diamonds just think of float as dword so anything above 2 billion is taboo
    _______________________________________________ added 1 minute later Float, It just replaces Dword in a weird way even though its a float every float value is .0 so searching 1200 will always end up being 1200.0
    _______________________________________________ added 4 minutes later Diamonds:
    Go to Reanimation 
    Look at the value to buy with gold and Diamond
    Enter it like this
    X;Y(nothing after these , the values are really far away from each other i think)
    For me it was 6;450
    Search x or for me 6
    You will have 2 values freeze them both to -2bil

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