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  1. Hi Returned after 4 years to GG forum Came across a question I want to run Inotia 3 APK which can only be open on android 2.3 through 4.3 My windows is 11 and my macOS is Sonoma Which emulator can host android 2.3 to 4.3 ? Also I think it will need GAPPS to run Can anyone provide me GAPPS for 2.3 and 4.2/4.3 android ? P.S I installed genymotion on windows 11 Sadly I cant find android 2.3 or 4.0/4.1/4.2/4.3 prolly outdated and removed Thanks
  2. Me too I don't know why But what ever you say Not important very much I just wanted to report this Thanks I don't use any launcher If I can install openbox env in android like linux in the future I would gladly do that Now default is good for me I have custom ROM Syberia but default Google Launcher Thanks Admin have good time P.S : I don't know how can I add [SOLVED] to title
  3. Thanks You mean that Default launcher like google can't show different icons, Yes ? Actually I used GG for long time and after upgrading OS to 9 (Android 9), This happened !
  4. Is there any one can help us to achive this ?
  5. Hi @Enyby Thanks for the great app I have the last gg installed on my android device My OS is : Android 9 LinageOS Rooted by magisk Fully funchional Everything working Except The icons I have remember that GG install two version HW and SW and the icons are different that show you which one is SWor HW now both are GG and I dont know which one is SW or HW ?
  6. For example the game like Inotia series In phone like : Inotia Excalibure Zenonia and … Or games like that , Mostly RPG games are same specially in Character status - Skills - Items and something like these And games in PC like : Dark Souls series SAO Nioh NieR Automata Lords of the Fallen The surge Bloodborn Most of these games, When you kill the enemy sometimes after finishing your killing some items and objects or whatever drop from the enemy of the Most the times they are good items but in google some games are mod and the specifications said that drop rate modded 100% or drop rate %100 How do the moderators cheats the drop rate item in games ? I want to learn it both PC and Phone I found this forum the best place for start Thanks to joining and answer my questions Thanks in advance
  7. Good information about FPS But I’m confused with something The FPS you said, do you mean Frame Drop Rate ? I need information and guide to cheat drop rate of items that drop from destroying the objects like killing the creatures and get some elixir mana or sword Not that frame drop rate, you said If these are same so thanks more But i dont think that frame drop rate with item drop rate are same
  8. Hello coaches, I'm using GG and GK and GC for about 5 years and more When I joined the GG forum there was a topic about drop rate tut but now is lost. Can anyone know how to change a drop rate in games like RPG games (Inotia 3-4 | Exitium | Zenonia | ...) Specially those who have skill and experience in mod making mega mod making cracking and scripting with some algorithm knowledge ? I have experience in algo and math and scripting like lua and shell but i dont understant how to find a rate like drop rate of games in GG and other tools ? specially GG for Android Games because for PC CE has some Tuts but for GG I don't find anything useful ? Can anyone help, after success I can help other and Q,A topics and make a topic for this a clean tutorial .. Thanks in advance
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