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Everything posted by Kei

  1. Cool! Thanks
  2. Has anyone ever tried to buy few hundred coins and hack it with game guardian? https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.naver.line.android&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImpwLm5hdmVyLmxpbmUuYW5kcm9pZCJd
  3. You can hack the number of life using Game Guardian. Work on Boosters as well, but you have to buy some first. Good luck!
  4. Yay! Thanks for fixing the issue Finally, I can sign in again
  5. More exclusive modded games will be awesome I'm a bit jealous of androidgamehacks.net. They have a lot of modded apk that we don't have. But their membership requirements sux.
  6. Thanks! Will do some practice now
  7. I got an error accessing that URL: Sorry, we couldn't find that! [#103137] You do not have permission to view this topic.
  8. Quite easy to use. I could see all the codes and tried to look for something related to the billing. Any clue where to look and what to change? I will post the cracked apk here if its successful of course Thanks beforehand!
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