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Everything posted by Goofeeer

  1. I just want to confirm that the issue was solved by 8.1.0. Thanks a lot for you help!
  2. I am not sure I got it, but the write region always performed after application selection, just before the search. 1st attempt freezed at 7.71%, 2nd at 6.28% and 3rd at 8.53%. logs. zip
  3. During the first log it freezes somewhere above 60-70%, during 2nd search and edit on results was working fine at all. Restarting just GG, searching for different value and freeze around 10% of search. dbg1.zip dbg2.zip dbg3.zip
  4. Hello, it seems that the freeze comes pretty early after hitting the search button. All the debugs are very small. Freezing is somehow related specifically to NFS NL, I tried another game where it does not freeze at all (the only big file dbg5.zip). Meanwhile the NFS was updated, however freezes remained. I also tried the 8.0.8. dbg1.txt dbg2.txt dbg3.txt dbg4.txt dbg5.zip
  5. Using SELinuxModeChanger and changing to permissive at boot. Version 8.0.6 freeze on search, full logs attached below. Typically I am searching for Float a few times it happened that searching for word/dword was working, but followed by searching Float freezed. I don't have logs, last few attempts freezed even on searching type different than Float. I noticed that 8.0.6 use nfs disk space and process for masking, I got some related errors as I am actually using GG with NFS NL game. 20150812223615-logcat.txt 20150812223624-logcat.txt
  6. Goofeeer


    I just quickly tried 8.0.6 on Android 4.2 and seems it cannot search properly (0 results found). Returning back to 8.0.2 and search works fine. Haven't dig further yet.
  7. The 7.3.6 does not freeze but most probably doesn't search through the correct memory space. I am not able to achieve same results like with another device running on Adnroid 4.x.
  8. Logs from the custom build: 20150512125532-logcat.txt 20150512125537-logcat.txt kmsg.txt
  9. Thanks again, the kmsg and logcat attached, set permissive at the beginning. I'll try the custom build. kmsg.txt logcat.txt
  10. One more logcat with the different parameters, this looks interesting: 12-04 18:28:17.856 E/bulldog-daemon( 4294): attach: PID - invalid 12-04 18:28:18.628 W/BulldogService( 4243): Failed read file: /proc/4325/cmdline 12-04 18:28:18.628 W/BulldogService( 4243): java.io.FileNotFoundException: /proc/4325/cmdline: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) 12-04 18:28:18.628 W/BulldogService( 4243): at libcore.io.IoBridge.open(IoBridge.java:456) 20150412183408-logcat.txt
  11. SELinux changed: 127|shell@shieldtablet:/ $ su root@shieldtablet:/ # root@shieldtablet:/ # getenforce Enforcing root@shieldtablet:/ # setenforce 0 1|root@shieldtablet:/ # getenforce Permissive The yama directory cannot be created, memory editor doesn't freeze, search freezed the tablet. The adb device shows the table, but logcat doesn't work. logcat.txt
  12. It does not freeze in memory editor. C:\Program Files\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>adb shell shell@shieldtablet:/ $ getenforce Enforcing shell@shieldtablet:/ $ setenforce 0 setenforce: Could not set enforcing status: Permission denied The yama directory doesn't exist: shell@shieldtablet:/ $ ls /proc/sys/kernel/y* /proc/sys/kernel/y*: No such file or directory
  13. It was collected via ADB, but once tablet freezes, it's not responsive even via ADB. Attached there are another logs collected as follows: 1) tablet started and game executed for a while 2) 1st file: adb logcat -d, followed by adb logcat -c (full dump and clear) 3) 2nd file: adb logcat (continuous dump) 4) started GG 5) changed temporary path to /data 6) go to search and screenshot taken (adb shell screencap) 7) hit search and tablet freeze (adb not live anymore) 8) screenshot taken via phone 01-20150312191144-logcat.txt 02-20150312191234-logcat.txt
  14. Hello Enyby, hope this helps. Tablet freezed almost immediatelly after hitting the search button. 20150312 00742-logcat.txt
  15. Thanks for pointing there. Unfotunately tablet freezes on majority of search attempts preventing me to get the Logcat. I'll try to get at least logs during the time search returns nothing or strange values.
  16. Hello all, I am trying to use GG 8.0.2, 8.0.3 and 8.0.4 with NFS No Limits on Shield Tablet K1 (5.1.1 32bit,rooted, supersu 2.52 with default Grant action). Unless temporary path is changed to /storage/emulated/0, the GG freeze during the first search (using the standard default values). With the path changed, search either returns nothing or maybe values from the different application. Sometimes it crash in the same manner like with default temp path and I am not able to save Logcat during these freezes. I cannot "Make sure you have enabled Usage Access for GameGuardian, under: System Settings -> Security -> Usage Access". GG is not listed there and there is no possibility to add it there. Any Idea?
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