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    Samsung Galaxy S3

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  1. thanks for all the help. one more question how do i get thr Zenonia 5 to work? it says i need to put the xml in the root directory of my SD card and i did that but when i open the app all it says is update or exit. how do i bypass that?
  2. oh yeah. i opened GameGuardian right? but when i play Zenonia 4 or 5 it says malicious application open blah blah blah lawsuits and junk how do i bypass that?
  3. alright thanks for the heads up got it working. my phone is now rooted
  4. it says not rooted. **** and it took a lot of time to root my phone. how do you root again? any useful or trusted sites?
  5. ok so my device doesn't have proper root access it seems. also whenever I'm logging in or out I always encounter problems like I can't access my profile feed or whatnot.
  6. yup i have it rooted, well i think i have it rooted because there was this one app i couldn't install because it said it needed my phone to be rooted so i know i have rooted it.
  7. Hi, I just installed Game Guardian to my phone but i don't know why it won't run. I'm using a Samsung Galaxy S3 and my Android version is Jelly Bean 4.1.1
  8. You may be wondering why Bouncy right? hahaha well you can guess and I'll pm you if you're right
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