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Posts posted by nuage6

  1. >> "There is no way u can hack server-side games"

    There is :) just replace the server by another server that run on the phone or on another computer. (You can then modify the /etc/hosts file and the certificat chain).


    More easy: hack the game (apk) and replace server calls by local calls.


    But you will not be able to show your amazing score (it's good I think)!

  2. Could be easy to implement: http://developer.android.com/tools/help/monkey.html


    You have a shell command called "monkey" on the phone too.


    usage: monkey [-p ALLOWED_PACKAGE [-p ALLOWED_PACKAGE] ...]
                  [-c MAIN_CATEGORY [-c MAIN_CATEGORY] ...]
                  [--ignore-crashes] [--ignore-timeouts]
                  [--monitor-native-crashes] [--ignore-native-crashes]
                  [--kill-process-after-error] [--hprof]
                  [--pct-touch PERCENT] [--pct-motion PERCENT]
                  [--pct-trackball PERCENT] [--pct-syskeys PERCENT]
                  [--pct-nav PERCENT] [--pct-majornav PERCENT]
                  [--pct-appswitch PERCENT] [--pct-flip PERCENT]
                  [--pct-anyevent PERCENT] [--pct-pinchzoom PERCENT]
                  [--pkg-blacklist-file PACKAGE_BLACKLIST_FILE]
                  [--pkg-whitelist-file PACKAGE_WHITELIST_FILE]
                  [--wait-dbg] [--dbg-no-events]
                  [--setup scriptfile] [-f scriptfile [-f scriptfile] ...]
                  [--port port]
                  [-s SEED] [-v [-v] ...]
                  [--throttle MILLISEC] [--randomize-throttle]
                  [--profile-wait MILLISEC]
                  [--device-sleep-time MILLISEC]


    And the source code: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/development/+/android-4.2_r1/cmds/monkey/

  3. That's why it's fun :) complications!


    Perhaps it's what you are writting, but what would be great is a way to create some java files, inject these java file in an android task, and run these java files.


    Let's say you just copy some java or .class files to



    When I start an application called com.mydomain.myfile, these files/class are added to the application and a "main" method is runned in the same space than the application


    Tip: you can modify this lib: core.jar


    Similar to



    - I can use it to monitor and test my own application as a developper! (legit way) -> could answer "why is this application crashing on this specific phone!", run test cases (Linked to https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/1713-auto-click/ ). Even if we have some tools provided by google like Monkey ( http://developer.android.com/tools/help/monkey.html ), it's still quite limited!

    - I can use it to change stuff, add monitoring stuff on other applications...... Example get list of Threads, stop a thread, get list of objects, change a value in an object!

  4. I want to be able to run a specific java method in an android program (APK).

    How can I do it?


    Here is an example where I test TapJoy implementation (and run some code that simulate some points that have been earned.):

    Somewhere in the code of an Activity that implements TapjoyEarnedPointsNotifier I have


    Here is the interface of TapjoyEarnedPointsNotifier
    public abstract interface TapjoyEarnedPointsNotifier
      public abstract void earnedTapPoints(int paramInt);

    What I want to do is to simulate a call to earnedTapPoints. As an example I can do it using:
    or by finding all Activities, and running earnedTapPoints in one of these activities.


    The goal is to test some code. I cannot change the source code as I'm testing the "final version", but I can read the source code.

  5. Hi,


    It's more a feature request than a cheat request.


    In many games you have to collect something.

    You click every 10-30 minutes to get money, etc..


    It would be cool if we can "auto-click" somewhere (or on multiple location).

    Let's imagine I

    - Start recording

    - I click at location a, b, c

    - Stop

    - Replay every 10 minutes.



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