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    7.x (Nougat)
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    samsung galaxy s6 active (G890A)
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  1. Not work for me. Game out when i run script. On memu.pls help
  2. hajjz. i update to lasest ver of my phone firmware, and it have the same problem.... TT^TT
  3. i checked all permissions for Vitual space Should I reinstall firmware or update it to latest version
  4. I tried it: "If you do not have root, then you can get logcat only through adb:From the computer, connecting the device to usb: (it is assumed that adb.exe you have in the folder c:\adb\)1. Press Start2. Choose Run...3. cmd4. cd /d c:\adb\5. adb -d logcat > c:\1.txtAfter reproducing the problem, close the console window and take the log from c:\1.txt - sending out who needs and where it is necessary." logcat.txt
  5. Is this? I am very thankful that you are considering my problem GG_logcat_v8.56.0_10487_7.0_24.log
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