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  1. I have how ever used the speed up.. it works.. but is glitchy and freezes. Then I stopped getting resources, until upgrading them.
  2. Name of Game: evolution: battle for utopia Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.my.evolution.android Version: 1.4.2 What cheat? Health, xp, gold...: any Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?: numbers go back to normal, (values) locking them dont seem to work other than the graphic img. Comments: please let me know if this is server sided, and or if this has a modded apk, or hacked save?. thank you.
  3. I played a game called ice age. Server sided game. U can put this flag thing next to a money collecter.. It gives a 2% boost.. Well I was able to modify that %.. So! What's the exact number of a boost on a lvl 11 gold mine? 3000 an hr.. So 12000 ? Times 4? But I've tried looking for that... No such luck.. And I ran out of gems.. Has anyone tried this? Plz. And ty.
  4. Does freedom work?
  5. I have done this in another server side game.. Well something similar.. Is there a way you can boost the gold boost...? Its doubled so I tried scanning for 200 but ended up getting lost...
  6. Are talking about editing the value in gg? If so.. How would u search for that? The gems part I mean..? I can understand u can search each time u remove a bush or tree... But.. How do u find the number of gems?
  7. There was once.. http://www.codeleakers.com/showthread.php?84874-finally!!-clash-of-clans-hack-patched&p=622513#post622513 It don't work now.. But maybe u can use an app to modify the apk..?
  8. http://www.codeleakers.com/showthread.php?84874-finally!!-clash-of-clans-hack-patched&p=622513#post622513 There was a hack for this game. But it is now patched. Can anyone bring this back..?
  9. Used xprivacy and xposed to hack dragonvale. And messed with freedom...
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