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  1. planterfascist


    Hey guys, just want to say I really appreciate all your work and have made a small donation. If it's not too much to ask, I'd also like to request a feature to combine range search and group search, thanks.
  2. Ah ok hitting refresh does show the correct value. However, only this version has this behaviour, all the previous versions, including 8.10.0 did not have this issue. Thanks again for the help.
  3. Lemme try upload a jpg instead. As you can see in the memory list I'm looking at address 7F560B60h, and it shows a value of some negative dword number. But if I edit the value as a dword, it comes up as 23303 which is the correct value.
  4. Thanks for the update. I think there is a visual bug with this version. If I use the offset calculator to go to a particular memory address, the value shown on the memory list is different than the actual value. If I then go and edit it the correct value shows up. See attached screenshot for example.
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