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281717_1434557891 last won the day on November 17 2023

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  1. Do you use original apk of the game? How do you bypass the hook detection? Or just tell us what LD Player & version of magisk that u use? And if it need module, tell us that too. Ty. Coz from what i know magisk somehow not so compatible with pc emulator.
  2. Its high risk of ban may be, cos there around 5 or 6 items that not supposed to be exist and have no use, no even picture and u cant dismantle or remove it and need to hack it back to zero. But if u still want to do it then i can only tell u a clue.. find the material code and u need to know Xor and Offset calculator, plus the function in GG that only can be used in "save tab". With this function u can change all adress u have saved on save tab to the adress u wanted by inputting the calculated offset. Edit: warning, if u dont limit ur adress when searching u will also get mats value in every of your hero existed on the field
  3. equipment. well i cant say its hack since if u play long enought u still can get ulti gear with best option like atk, crit chance, crit damage if u like offence or eva, def, hp if u like deffence, or satiety if want your hero never come back to eat, or else any option u like even like an option that i never seen before like increse a trait level (u can max it out if u want or almost max out if u like to play cassual or make it more that that? but prepare to get reported when u shows unexisted optional or value lol). good luck. i can only say its possible but i cant say more than that.
  4. Yes, but some still ok 1 week and still no ban. Now i'm testing with something else
  5. Im not sure about how they know that item was edited so idk if that safe or not. Maybe safe under some amount but i still not testing it cos right now i have been testing something else and no ban. Edit: maybe theres a method to have the equipment without the materials
  6. Just checking after update and they have new mats for chaos equipment. And for me 20 hero is too much.. too lazy to build every hero so im going to renew my game and only use 10 or less lol
  7. Editing random status value on item is possible but i need gems to make it per item. Not like editing item code like berzerk from iron axe to wearing supreme origin bow is no gems needed so if anyone know how to do it without using gems to edit random satatus on item pls tell me. But idk it is high ban rate or not. ( i got banned next day or 3 day later may be bcos a lot something i buy with gold or edit every corner so im not sure what make me got banned )
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