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  1. I'm sorry to bother you, but have you found a way to hack the club exp?
  2. It seems that the outfit hack has stopped working
  3. I had the same problem for a while until I figured out that not only do you have to find the values, you must go to them. After you isolate the value, click the value and then click on the 'go to'. Once you're there edit the first value that shows up(change it to 10000) then 4 values down, change the fourth value to 10000x8. This worked for friendship and attribute points for me. @Helskrim really helped by uploading their videos on YouTube. I believe this method should still work. Good luck ^__^
  4. Legit I have tried every method on here to edit stats and friendship levels AND every time it fails. Q__Q Why
  5. Does anyone know how to edit attributes? I've been trying for ages with no luck ?
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