@ryu9990 Don't be such a hostile i'm just expressing my opinion, and apart from that if DEVELOPERS really value their game they will patch event this kind of hack, even if you consider this CHILD's play but it's still has some impact "DIRECT or INDIRECT" on the getting profit from your software, i'm expressing this statement after having been part of a private server development TOP and i'm pretty aware of the hack you are explaining, actually i also had that idea; we should find all modification (client side) that server data doesn't consider important but can chage the game permanently , during my days of being developer in Tales of Pirate we also deal with this kind of problem and it's quite hard to patch, but still patchable and summoner wars can do the same without so much hassle i guess.
Take note that we patched the client side modification without us having COMPLETE access of the client side cause we aren't the one that created it so our knowledge about the client side is quite limited , but here we have main developer who knows EVERYTHING about their client and can pretty much patch stuffs easily by using update