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  1. waaaa poor matias T_T well im never been banned i use in npc gem(+2) i been challenge other player using 50k damage !!! ang i use 900k damage on feimon hell mode boss... im still not banned ^^ hoping someone make me vip here !!
  2. all hail to bro lexeo keep it up more more hack to come bro !!!
  3. Whats on my mind? I dont know too ^^

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  4. im on beta test on that range right now after i succeed i will post tutorial......
  5. What is on my mind??? I dont know ???

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  6. i just remember my phone hex address the last 3 digit on range ... heres my range 5ed16b48 .... hope it helps you out guys ! dont afraid to be ban its just a game nothing personal in your life hahahah !!! ohh no id allowed hahah my post is delete coz i posted my id hahahahaha
  7. hahahah why u cant see??? bcoz the owner of the video change to private view ....
  8. im currently on BETA test of mine ^^ i was surrender at map location i cant configure out what the hex it is bwahhaha !!!! ID: Riot-Xia Channel: 117 beta test on my other account
  9. well he successfully modded the map location the location were the monster moving to top to go in next map.. hes app was modded ... app that he modded: map location in 1 place 50 slot for monster
  10. hahahahah it will not bwhahahah.... be fate be fate btw to all user of game killer3.0.1 to 3.10 its been f***king patched and need 3 free apps annoying installation required grrrr ... just installed the the 2.70 chinese version by gamekind... it will become english when you installed...
  11. to try your damage hack go in arena use 2 hellhound to do the quick first attack pause search damage and 2nd attack pause search damage you will see the 3 address always choose the 1st only probably thats the damage for all monsters just change for 3000 damage for lowbie and for 15+ you can use up to 10000 damage... about range of address hex i think its all depend on your phone... always remember your phone address hex my range for my phone is (5ee*****) sometimes its (5ef*****) after you get the value of hex just always copy your address hex coz sometimes it will crash the searching so u will put it manually so u will not researching again for the hex.... ( always be alert on enemy gauge to full and make it down the damage so wont hurt much hahaha and back the damage you want when the turn is yours ^^ hahahaha !! enjoy gaming........ (currently finish all dungeon i use 900k 1hit k.o damage on level 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 and feimon last stage 90k 1hit k.o damage using hellhound double attack ) great help to lvl up your monster quickly!!! about crashing the game?? yes sometimes it will crash hahahah you will search the hex again thats the only bad my id : Riot-Xue channel: 117
  12. Name of Requested File: Pet Alliance Link To Download: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cn.fangcun_mxm_esa&hl=en Comments: im trying to use GG but nothing works on money / items / damage etc if cant mod the money or crystal hoping can mod the damage and Health...
  13. i found some site who has a modded in summoners war sky arena i cant access coz it need become vip on site just take a look guys !!!http://www.iapphacks.net/viewforum.php?f=55&sid=fd2cc6684a4ccab2f3dab4035e31ab69
  14. i wonder this game summoner wars can be hack or be modded like the dark avenger... this is same as that can be modded dark avenger is same as the creator of this ....
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