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Everything posted by Borabora

  1. I saw that now many people doing damage hack on arena, coz i look at top ranker there some around low level on that rank. I afraid if that ppl still doing like that gonna make developer make all data on server side [that's mean gonna make this game can't be hack, except u can hack that data on server] . I know if mati give detail tutorial for anyone that wanna use for their own risk, but pls use it's very wisely, not like some "children" that show off in arena. And when someday damage hack can't work, u (i mean "children") gonna whine again in many forum looking some ppl give explanation another hack again like mati did and that's very very sucks PS : no offense for anyone that's use hack, coz i use too but i'm used with reasonable.
  2. Oh really? That mod is really work? Too bad if damage mod only that can work. I still had some believe that for wish part can be mod , but if mod expert said that can't... yeah, gonna play "normally"
  3. Finally i can create user n post for this topic Just for information, i already try mod this apk (i'm just beginner for modding but i try as hard as i can) and all attempt failure I try mod for wish and unit hp --> for unit hp, just only work for display not in actual --> for wish, i can change to have many wish but when i press ok, that said "already used all my chance" (i think it's possible to make unlimited wish, in my theory we need to initialize how many wish we want have + make sure for "flag" wish is usable always true. but i can't find that code :'> coz all of code in ARM / machine language [not my favorite object]) That all about my assumptions, is anyone here had/has try mod this apk? Or is it can't be mod? Coz i saw that someone in another website said that almost online game can't be mod, especially game from com2us. NB : sorry for my bad english
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