Finally i can create user n post for this topic
Just for information, i already try mod this apk (i'm just beginner for modding but i try as hard as i can) and all attempt failure
I try mod for wish and unit hp
--> for unit hp, just only work for display not in actual
--> for wish, i can change to have many wish but when i press ok, that said "already used all my chance" (i think it's possible to make unlimited wish, in my theory we need to initialize how many wish we want have + make sure for "flag" wish is usable always true. but i can't find that code :'> coz all of code in ARM / machine language [not my favorite object])
That all about my assumptions, is anyone here had/has try mod this apk? Or is it can't be mod? Coz i saw that someone in another website said that almost online game can't be mod, especially game from com2us.
NB : sorry for my bad english