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Posts posted by Enrique7

  1. 'd2dyno', on 20 Aug 2012 - 11:58, said:snapback.png


    Hey all

    d2dyno is teaching the hack of the game which is from amazon appstore,from amazon app store it is very easy to hack but the same version which is available on android market is unhackable by GG


    So brother d2, hack the .dat of android market version and upload the saved tibkp for these all guyzz who are not able to hack with GG






    if all need I will make an apk with hackable version..



  2. I can be the moderator which will help this site to grow more rapidly<<<

    As i dont want to be Head moderetor But I wanna upgrade myself from advanced user to at least a simple moderator....and i have the capability of moderating this site..

    I have donated my very precious time on the GG for making cheats,etc.....And bro d2 i am eagrly waiting to accept this request

    AND If you dont like my work den You can happily remove from the post of moderator.......

    Thnxx in Advanced...

  3. Rockstar Games has announced that Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, or GTA Vice City is coming to Android later this fall, as part of the games 10th anniversary celebration. For those of you who were old enough to play video games a decade ago, Vice City is a name you would know in your sleep.

    Anyone who has played this fantastic game, would be familiar with the stylized 80s feel and the in-game music of that era, and the free roaming make-believe Miami world that you could explore on a motorcycle or a jacked car. Thanks to Rockstar’s commitment to porting its popular games to mobile devices, GTA Vice City is headed towards your Android device, “featuring native high-resolution graphics and several enhancements.”

    Although there is no specific release date from Rockstar, the later this fall should be enough of a signal, to expect the game by the end of this year. Of course, if we hear of any developments, you’ll be the first to know. Till then, check out this video clip of Vice City to refresh your memory of this cracking game.

    This is copied from my blog jst see it......http://crk-blog.blogspot.in/2012/10/rockstar-games-has-announced-that-grand.html

    satyam you copycat.. :angry:

  4. I started to crack in app billing of a game jaws revenge

    Decompiles and got smali file of ovserver

    But got this code cn any one knows how to edit this smali code plz d2dyno help me

    I didnt post in moding section coz new topic is not started by me coz i am not a vip......

    .class public Lcom/amazon/inapp/purchasing/BasePurchasingObserver;
    .super Lcom/amazon/inapp/purchasing/PurchasingObserver;
    # direct methods
    .method public constructor <init>(Landroid/content/Context;)V
    .locals 0
    invoke-direct {p0, p1}, Lcom/amazon/inapp/purchasing/PurchasingObserver;-><init>(Landroid/content/Context;)V
    .end method
    # virtual methods
    .method public onGetUserIdResponse(Lcom/amazon/inapp/purchasing/GetUserIdResponse;)V
    .locals 0
    .end method
    .method public onItemDataResponse(Lcom/amazon/inapp/purchasing/ItemDataResponse;)V
    .locals 0
    .end method
    .method public onPurchaseResponse(Lcom/amazon/inapp/purchasing/PurchaseResponse;)V
    .locals 0
    .end method
    .method public onPurchaseUpdatesResponse(Lcom/amazon/inapp/purchasing/PurchaseUpdatesResponse;)V
    .locals 0
    .end method
    .method public onSdkAvailable(Z)V
    .locals 0
    .end method

    Help me to mod this game.........

    Modded many games bt strucked at this game<<<<<<<<<

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