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  1. I am currently trying to MOD the energy of the game, Brave Frontier. I already saw a video wherein the game only spends 1 energy per quest. Now, I've decided to copy that. I've found the address in IDA that can change the energy requirement of every quest but still when I start the quest, the game still spends the default energy requirement for that quest. Now, this is my problem. How can I force the game to spend 1 energy for every quest? Any Ideas? THIS IS NOT SERVER-SIDED. thanks
  2. Yep! I've already changed the amount of zel and karma, Monster HP, Monster Attack, Arena Attack, and Monster Def. Now I'm trying to find the right function for the Honor Points, the Monster IDs and their Capture Rates as well but I think the Capture Rates are server sided? I THINK. I've already modded BF Japan and Global. I'm having problems with BF Korea hahaha that game has more codes than the other two.
  3. New here HUEHUE. Can anybody tell me what is the keyword for ZEL and KARMA? I can't seem to find the right one. Thanks! EDIT: I found the right one. Thanks anyways XD
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