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  1. Yeah, restoring save works fine. Unfortunately, I didn't notice that I've got banned on time, so starting from the scrap. It goes quite easy when you know what to do actually, won't take long before I get to the point where I had to abandon previous acc. As to armor, just check current list of items. There's that EMBA Power Armor which is new I assume. Didn't see it b4 the update anyway. And yeah, it's the best as for now.
  2. It is sad indeed. But you don't need caps that much with all other stuff you can hack. __ Btw, been banned recently. Not sure why: either using that new emba super armor, or high speed moving, or using speedhack. Most likely the last. But it's been boring farming Tech Cities to progress in EMBA quests. Starting new acc, gonna play without that new armor until I naturally find it, and without speedhack.
  3. About Currency/Caps hack: I personally experienced problems with that function hack, to be accurate: with pointers. Once I've hacked caps, found pointers, changed them, made some purchases in the store, then game crashed. Reboot, search IDs, search pointers, change them, fail. Ever after. Until the update. After the update GG finds pointers as intended. I can hack caps again. So looks like sometimes save file or whatever it might be, gets broken and you can't find correct pointers.
  4. Well, i've checked it. In my case I've found pointers, but modifying them won't work anymore. Looks like devs began to patch holes. Maybe @AngelWolf will come with a new decision or make a script.
  5. Use this: Day R Survival (#7003mw94) Get one perk point, freeze, get any you need. Idk why, it doesn't work for me anymore. Even with a wider range of pointer search swapping pointers with addCaps ID address won't work.
  6. I think that I've found a solution, not perfect tho. I don't know how pointers search mechanics work, previously a line with offset had a 0 value, so I've tried to add the range by setting 200 and found more results than before. Yet after offset +40 Double I've found 5 addresses with 0 value, which is the same as I used to find previously. Still I can't check whether the result is correct since I can't view ads to get free caps for some reason unknown. Will see tomorrow.
  7. Oh duck... Could caps hack be fixed by now? Would someone have a look? Yesterday I started a new acc to experiment with crafting/swaping items, had to hack caps again. Today caps were set to 25 only, so when I tried to hack it again, amount of found pointers of 'spendCaps' ID is only 7, after offset +40 there's but one with 0 value. Setting addCaps ID address to it won't work. Restarting game/device won't help either, same result.
  8. Hm, interesting. I get how anticheat works with what you've said. Tho I wonder why wouldn't it trigger the ban message when save game becomes unavailable. Also I did a wrong thing: I've tried to get rid of everything unnecessary in my inv, and by occasion there was some player passing by. That's when I've tried to send a package and there was ATV and something else on the ground. Game crashed. When it restarted, nothing changed, but I assume that's the possible point when my acc got banned. At other points duping items and changing the value over 1. was getting me banned with a message. But not when I do what's described. So that's quite fun. For the rest, the only way to hack crafting that I've found here was searching resources requirements and then manually finding the result address which has different memory amount in between. That doesn't seem fast to me, but since I'm not that much into coding as you, maybe you could teach me. UPD if I use the method above, I need to find a way to swap items. To swap resuting item from what's in the recipe to something I want. Or is it possible to swap crafted items without risk to get banned? Like it doesn't trigger the value check, means no triggers to ban.
  9. Just found out one sad thing: a msg that says "no server connection" pops up when I try to send a package to another player. Not sure what caused this and whether this is undoable or shall I start all over again and with a new account. Not that I need to be that social and even play online... still, as it was said many times, we just like hacking this game rather than playing it
  10. Oh and btw, whilst I've been studying and practicing the hacks represented here, I've found a solution for swapped/duped item amount limit ban. As we all knew before this very moment, modifying an amount items above some limit which I now can't remember leads to a instant softban. For this reason we would hack crafting and make a resulting amount of craft any number we want. And that takes hell a lot of time vs this way... Once you find yourself in need of resources in big amounts, do next: 1. Use the item quantity editing method (0.06E = 1; 0.08E = 2, etc) 2. When you have that address, set it to 1 and freeze it 3. Now every time u pick it up (any amount, just not all at once or you will loose the pointer) the amount of items left on the ground will multiply on its own. 4. If you pick up the item several times, you will see an amount in k's or kk's or even kkk's if you were persistent enough. 5. Pick it all up! You have it all, you need no calculations, no manual search, no headache, no ban, no limits!! video1.mp4
  11. Hi fellow hackers and modders! Been wondering whether you know a way to modify quest completion status. The goal is to get bonus stats of event equipment which is connected to the quest progression.
  12. Hey guys! Aren't there any programs that can help creat a "mess" with data pacakges? That might solve the problem of search for a way of hacking server-sided games. I know there are such tools for iOS, but never tried to find out anything about android yet. So if you know, I believe it's worth trying out, many server-sided games were hacked this way. The only hard part is to find a bypass for protection, if any occurs to be, and to determin the right package of data. What I can think of is: hacking exp and cash from the loot, if it is server-sided. When you will recieve the cash, for example, for killing a mob, the server will send a package of data that yields the command to grant your cahracter X amount of cash. With a software I mentioned you'd be abel to scan all incoming packages, find the one that contains the amount of cash for you to recieve and modify it for any other. This way you will recieve Y amount of cash that is set by you. Other things I might think of: cheating the lottery (wheel with prizes, whatever the name is). I can't imagine the mechanincs right now, but I beleive there might be a way to make the server think you didn't trigger the spin of that wheel still you will make a spin. Or something like that. Need to understand how the trigger works: are there ways to modify it or is it impossible at all? If you have any possiblities to try such method, I'd love to join you in your research/acquiring results
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