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  1. killer can you teach me too??
  2. I got a question is there anyone that knows any cheat with GameGuardian for Monster Legends? if not can you make a mod for it please? <p><strong>Name of Game:</strong><br><strong>Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk):</strong><br><strong>Version:</strong><br><strong>What cheat? Health, xp, gold...:</strong><br><strong>Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?:</strong><br><strong>Comments:</strong></p>
  3. still not VIP, when will the issue fix and I'll get my VIP acces???

  4. help me, can't find the VIP castle clash modded apk

    1. MiC2o


      You are not VIP+ and so you can't have it

    2. lozer150


      I've bought VIP actually 30 mins ago when I wrote that status, but I'm waiting till I've got my VIP permission because of the issue

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