the problem is not in disconnect. client sent at the end of battle the bad packets, and the server disconnects.( gaining experience hero pakets) I have already pointed out that the function introduced in version 35.
; Player::_reFlashCanPromotion(void)
EXPORT _ZN6Player20_reFlashCanPromotionEv
_ZN6Player20_reFlashCanPromotionEv ; CODE XREF: Player::Server_RespFinishBattle(MSG_RESP_FINISHBATTLE *)
BL _ZN4Hero14IsCanPromotionEv ; Hero::IsCanPromotion(void)
BL _ZN6Player20_reFlashCanPromotionEv ; Player::_reFlashCanPromotion(void)
if someone can get to the end and find the problem. will be excellent