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  1. You can use the root method and then save your files to cloud, other than that I haven't had the time to find a new modded apk for this app sorry if you don't like that then bye.
  2. Thanks for all the feedback i hope this helps many of you guys
  3. Actually this game is hackable, and so are many other mobage games. To get the hacks you just have to pay $$$. Actually this game is hackable, and so are many other mobage games. To get the hacks you just have to pay $$$.
  4. You should be able to use dax, gamecih, or if the game doesn't use a sever when purchases are made then use freedom iap. **Note these all require root access**
  5. I have two hacks for this game to share with y guys. One requires root access, the second ha doesn't require root access ** All apps and file needed will have a link to download hosted through 4shared. Hack 1 * Root Access required* Step 1: Download Root explorer v3.0.1 and the needed file. Link 1 ( root explorer): Root Explorer 3.0.1 - Download - 4shared - Co Wierzbicki Link 2 (needed file): motor hack - Download - 4shared - Cody Wierzbicki Step 2: Once you install root explorer open it a go to /sdcard/download then extract the downloaded zip folder. Step 3: Once the zip folder is done being extra click go to extracted or navigate to /sdcard/speedsoftware/extracted once there open the folder and copy all the contents inside. Step 4: Here is the key part to hacking the gam after you copied all those files go to /data/data com.mobage.ww.a1575.Motor_World_Car_Fact Android/files then click move here. Wait for it finish moving the files. Last step: just open the app you will have 900 cash and a bunch of coins along with 10k doughnuts and research will be most of the w done. _______________________ Hack 2 (**NO ROOT NEEDED**) Step 1: Download this modded motor car worl factory app. Link: MOTOR WORLD CAR FACTORY Mod v1.40 azzaapk.com - Download - 4shared - Cody Wierzbicki Step 2: Open the app and finish the tutorial. O done make a mobage account and *remembe your username and password* save your data cloud. Step 3: unstall the app and install the motor c world factory app from the play store. Step 4: Finish the tutorial and log in with the account you made in the modded app. You wil have 900m+ bucks use that to purchase coins, doughnuts and for those workers you couldn't before.
  6. I have two hacks for this game to share with you guys. One requires root access, the second hack ** doesn't require root access ** All apps and files needed will have a link to download hosted through 4shared. Hack 1 * Root Access required* Step 1: Download Root explorer v3.0.1 and the needed file. Link 1 ( root explorer): http://www.4shared.com/mobile/7Ppe9E7V/Root_Explorer_301.html Link 2 (needed file): http://www.4shared.com/zip/kbAsE9oy/motor_hack.html Step 2: Once you install root explorer open it and go to /sdcard/download then extract the downloaded zip folder. Step 3: Once the zip folder is done being extracted click go to extracted or navigate to /sdcard/speedsoftware/extracted once there open the folder and copy all the contents inside. Step 4: Here is the key part to hacking the game after you copied all those files go to /data/data/com.mobage.ww.a1575.Motor_World_Car_Factory_Android/files then click move here. Wait for it to finish moving the files. Last step: just open the app you will have 900m+ cash and a bunch of coins along with 10k doughnuts and research will be most of the way done. _______________________ Hack 2 (**NO ROOT NEEDED**) Step 1: Download this modded motor car world factory app. Link: http://www.4shared.com/mobile/sIa4qDOu/MOTOR_WORLD_CAR_FACTORY_Mod_v1.html Step 2: Open the app and finish the tutorial. Once done make a mobage account and *remember your username and password* save your data to cloud. Step 3: unstall the app and install the motor car world factory app from the play store. Step 4: Finish the tutorial and log in with the account you made in the modded app. You will have 900m+ bucks use that to purchase coins, doughnuts and for those workers you couldn't get before.
  7. Its a server sided game useless to try and use gg or freedom.
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