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  1. My phone has 8 gb ram so im fine. Running this on a virtual machine.
  2. Also could you tell us how you changes characters color palletes? I really would want it
  3. Now one thing i need to know is really just palette swapping and how to get that villian boss ki aura that dark type villians get
  4. Also to have costumization you just need to model swap somebody onto shallot (i recommend making shallot his base form + Sparking) and it works with costumes (Except for default costume as that just keeps you with the normal model of the unit you swapped shallot with)
  5. Could you explain how you changed the character sizes?
  6. What you wanna do to model swap a second or third model in the tag its very simple. You have to search up: Example of the character we're using: 609 (Tag Fusing Vegito You need to search up 609;11000609 (Goku side) 609;12000609 (Vegito) (D-Word) Now to get these models you have to look for either 11000609 or 12000609. There will be multiple of these shown when you've searched it up but you need to select the second lowest of 11000609 or 12000609 that has been searched and click "Go To" on it and the first ODD Number or Purple Value will be the 2nd or 3rd characters model that you've searched for. Its not the second purple value like on normal units. Its the first value
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