How can I use rva values one like this // RVA: 0x17BE474 Offset: 0x17BD474 VA: 0x17BE474
public void AttractInsectGold() { }
The game is:
I have been trying to hack this game but its values are encrypted,Can anyone help me
Well it turns out I was using the wrong apk sorry for wasting your time.Well I do need help In hacking a game called "Sandship". Changing items works but when to try to change gold or gems they don't work AMD just revert back
Hello @MonkeySANScript ended:
Script error: luaj.o: /storage/emulated/0/ShareFolder/837009326_TEST_EquipmentUnlockLevelQTY32bit.lua:33
A error is happening can tell me what is wrong?
I tried using dword and float values they works on the items but I can't seem to change values of will be appreciated
And I am sorry for the last time for not responding fast.
Link of the game
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