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Everything posted by matchmergonly5

  1. matchmergonly5


    Help me in this game anyone
  2. matchmergonly5


    Yeah! I know , but are you able to increase th the amount of coin and diamond, I try but nothing happened to coin or diamond
  3. matchmergonly5


    Awe...you hurt me brother(I'm joking ) i know this kind of game not popular not many players play merge games but you know I like merge games, well is any game a necessary but to me more like only in this merge game I can't changes, I can't modified by gg , the value didn't change and you are right it's not crashing when I find value with to many ranges open but the value didn't changes i searched Q- word and range Ca and game is always crashed but sometimes value have changes
  4. Thank you @MonkeySAN or @NoFear I'm able to open golden ticket but can you explain season point D-group search or HEX search code you put here(i mean write here)
  5. What value we put for current season like SSSPET..OWLPOINTS.AMOUNT
  6. matchmergonly5


    I'm only searched diamond value to buy coin in Alice dream merge island in D-word, range ca but it's just crashed when you only searched value i even haven't got the chance to see value if there's a change in value before that game is crashed every time, then I searched some coin but that didn't work either
  7. matchmergonly5


    My game is crashed every time I searched a value in this game only this game having a problem like this
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