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  1. hello guys, I found a problem. I created a script for rally fury game and it work on 64 bit devices. But the script doesn't work for 32 bit devices. I have done tests on several 32 bit and 64 bit devices. the result is that my script only works on 64 bit devices and doesn't work on 32 bit devices. all of them use Android 10 and GameGuardian version 101.1
  2. Hello I am trying to hack unlimited nitros on furry rally game version 1.113 Previously I had tried to hack unlimited nitros on the old version of Rally Furry (version 1.70) by using the float unknown value search and succeeded in getting the value and it could be hacked. I followed the tutorial in this video https://youtu.be/i8smWYD3moY However, when I tried to hack version 1.113 using the same method, I had difficulty getting the value to hack unlimited nitros. can anyone help me?
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