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  1. Baracudasaurus:-388,063,063 Plesiosuchus: -2,051,495,450 Parasaurolophus gen 2: -1,625,353,072 the big one: -568,645,282 Stegouros: 1,191,790,010 Megarchelon: 785,006,804
  2. i don't know about that but if it works it should be like this I don't know i think you need to reinstall the script if it works then it will show like this
  3. the list the script makes updated (not script update but the game update) when the game updated the game the (z) uhh i don't really know but the 2 in dinosaurs is gen 2
  4. And the lua script work like this Every non hybrid or super hybrid has 7 letter in front Every star dino has DDD every hybrid and Super hybrid has H infront of the dino Id examples: HIndomi Updated version of the Id List Full ID.txt
  5. if the script lua ended then the save list is packed with dino id like this example Um deleted and install it again?
  6. are you check the save list if the lua crashed check save list and save and you will found the Dino id
  7. i think he still don't know how to hack the game and want a easy explanation and detail at the same time
  8. Then put the other special id again and velociraptor gen 2 offer gone but the ID you using was back
  9. Hey watch your words and i don't know only thing i want to know is how to how to get to dino to the outside of asset repositery
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