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  1. So im using Infinix hot 11 play . With android 11 and rooted with magisk+lsposed and lucky patcher. I used game guardian on this device before and it worked fine. But i downloaded gg again recently but it crashes everytime. Even the results of the value im searching is like 2 gg crashes instantly after loading like 62%. I recorded many logcats and used chatgpt to analyze, all i got was some memory issues, permission issues and magisk conflicts and such. And i looked no magisk module conflict with gg, gg have all the permissions I have a 4gb ram. It think thats enough to search atleast a value with like 20 results. I tried every option in "fix it". Idk whats wrong with it but is there anyway to fix this? Or any alternative to game guardian? Thanks. GG_logcat_r101.1_16142_11_30.log
  2. evvy

    Warhammer 40k

    I found an amazing script from @APEXggV2 for Warhammer 40k tacticus. High offense and defense. Im curious is there anything else we can change that doesn't roll back to pervious state? Like coins and stuff?
  3. Any updates bro? I'm having the same problem
  4. Ok so when I'm searching for value in injustice gid among us GG crash. I did this before the exact same way I do now and the same device without any problems. What happened? I switched to selinux, set data in ram to no, tried unload levels nothing. Also after game guardian crash im getting a memory usage error like I can't keep any app in background until I restart. GG_logcat_r101.1_16142_11_30.log
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