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  1. Did you know why the dinosaur has removed Or is there hope for him to return to the game?
  2. Pro l found the spinoceratobs in the paleo website but when l put his id in trade harbor the game crash me Does the presence of Spinoceratops on the Palio website mean its presence in the game? Quick answer
  3. Can you take a video that will be easy to us
  4. Pro you can start from the zero my account has banned and thanks for god is not very high level and haven't any rare dino right now l will star agian
  5. Pro when l put the id in trade harbor it crash me out of the game please fix
  6. Thanks thanks thanks pro l hope you keep going give us id every time when released new dino we need you
  7. Same problem exactly with me l give you advice pro do another account and start from zero point because there are no solution for that problem for now l tried to change the value and steel same
  8. Hi guys good morning l have big problem in copule weeks l bought the season of deadly male and take pack was is name (sesonal chance) and l have (399023) one he said to me end of the season and l have open the unclaimed rewards one of them the pack was have a big number so l I pressed a button(open cardpack) then the game crashes every time l sign to l very tired l delete the game then download it and steel crash please everyone have fix and will prices it
  9. Do you know Any other dinosaur than yuxisaurus and homalocephale new added dino or unreleased?
  10. Thank you brother l will need you in other things
  11. Yeah pro sory for that l mean dinosaurs id ok I need a site to see the ID of any new dinosaur like yuxisaurus or homalocephale That's why I want a website, if you know, I have another question: Are there new dinosaurs other than Homalocephale and yuxisaurus and doe ?
  12. Pro l use game guardian of curse l use trade harbor way and l want a website like (paleo) for example not same and l have another question how did them get these codes and how l wanna be professional in that and thanks l need answer
  13. Pro l want a website like (paleo) something like that if you know l know there are code of dino but l ask to any one know if there are l need it
  14. Hello guys good morning guys l want to get all codes of dinos any one know website or something l can see codes of dinosaurs by them and thanks l need l quickly answer
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