Update we tryed even depper got MT Manage and ilc2pp. But this file is
protected it says i know there is ways to unlock it but u can actually see stuff in the files and i got a bunch of files like i didnt get just a dump.cs i think this game is more complicated we tried to look for offsets we got a working script but game GG keeps crashing on us so mamy times it dosent stop.
Until i get some replies or smth i will just continue to try my hardest to figure out smth or learn smth.
Also proggress that we make is we found power value we changed it and go all the quests for hitting that certain amount of power the power goes away but the quests are the same its not that much but it works same with cities level maximum was 150 lvl city hut we got the achivements So i guess thats some proggres.