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  1. Hello, a game called EvoCreo 2 was recently released and I was trying out GG and at least the mobs' stats can be easily modified, but I couldn't hack the rubies or the shop in general, which is why I'm looking for someone's help. Thanks. Link Game : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ilmfinity.evocreo_2
  2. lol, I just asked if the tutorial still works, it wasn't a criticism or anything like that, why that answer? , I don't speak English well, was my comment offensive? I just wanted to know if the tutorial works to try it on my phone, since I've been looking for a long time to know how to use that app.
  3. How did you manage to hack gold and gems? Could you tell me?
  4. Could someone tell me how to unlock them?
  5. can give me clue to start searching?
  6. that's okay, I have gg on ldplayer and the game from apkpure I looked for you on fb but several people with that name come up xd
  7. my ds : #rodb5367 send me friendship request cuz when i try to send request to u, I get that the user does not exist. and im playing in emulator
  8. Which video? I get messages that say they are no longer available or are in private mode I tried to follow the steps in a video I found that showed you how to add more red keys but in the video the person used 3 variables instead I get 4 and when I try to modify it the game closes
  9. Hi, u know how to modify red/green keys?
  10. Thanks for answering, the first part of the nopaew, that is, the articles there, I do know how to hack it, the problem is with the red/green key, that when changing the values the game does it but then closes and when I log in again it returns to the original value, and the videos on page 4 are no longer available.
  11. Hi im looking for guide to hack light/shadow points , ticket skip and red/green key If it were free I would be very grateful, or if they sell it I'm still interested, contact me via ds: #rodb5367
  12. Hello, I would like to know if you can obtain the dragons that are exclusive of events, since these dragons are only for a limited time and after that you can no longer get them, I want this to obtain all the dragons in the game.
  13. Hi , anyone have the ID for Bumpy?
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