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Everything posted by APEXggV2

  1. yes. I have a script for this game. 64bit only though. it has a currency hack that works https://gameguardian.net/forum/files/file/4052-online-mega-script-v04-100-free-not-encrypted-new-scripts-added-dailyweekly-apexggv2/
  2. it's definitely in that script. (I don't update the list on gg forum every time I add a new game)
  3. View File XOR Converter Encrypt / Decrypt / Get Key. Encrypt: Value + Key Decrypt: Xor Value + Key Get Key: Xor Value + Value Copy Result to clipboard. prints conversion history Submitter APEXggV2 Submitted 01/14/2025 Category Tools  
  4. APEXggV2

    XOR Converter

    Version 1.0.0


    Encrypt / Decrypt / Get Key. Encrypt: Value + Key Decrypt: Xor Value + Key Get Key: Xor Value + Value Copy Result to clipboard. prints conversion history
  5. I updated Script. (actually just added a note for 6* units) when unit is eveolved to 6*, it's name changes (becomes a different unit) so you'll just need to use the "OTHER UNIT" option in the script to hack it's stats
  6. I created a script for this game. free not encrypted no restrictions. no ads, unlimited moves, add gold, auto win, and developer cheat menu activated. here is https://gameguardian.net/forum/files/file/4052-online-mega-script-v04-100-free-not-encrypted-new-scripts-added-dailyweekly-apexggv2/
  7. I just tested this. everything is working correctly. make sure to follow the instructions in the alerts. if applicable, note that scripts are not meant to be used on PC
  8. sorry I am just now seeing this. I'll look into it. I'll look into this and see if anything has changed in game since script was made..
  9. idk.. in order to "fix" this I would need to play the game and actually get a 6 star hero.. I'm not going to play the game that long. sorry
  10. I tried also and wasn't able to get anything to officially save / work.
  11. yes, internet access is required. and the ability for your internet to connect to pastebin.com , it some cases, a VPN is required.
  12. APEXggV2

    Bullet Echo...

    99.999% certain you won't be able to, resources are all controlled and verified by server.
  13. I have a script for this game. damage, Hp, disable enemy, instant kill enemy, no power requirements etc https://gameguardian.net/forum/files/file/4052-online-mega-script-v04-100-free-not-encrypted-new-scripts-added-dailyweekly-apexggv2/
  14. these are most likely "double" type (yellow)
  15. can you clarify.. your question is very confusing saying copy and paste the copy I pasted from the copy of a paste to copy and paste from
  16. I just tested it and everything is working correctly. I couldn't get any errors or problems with game.
  17. oh wow , that's a lot without script, didn't know it went that high. you must be really far into game.. OK I'll update it with some more options
  18. Ok, script is updated now. has xp options and added game speed settings.
  19. OK , I'm going to be busy next couple days. I'll try to find some time to do this soon, if not soon will have to wait until November 18
  20. the XP per kill is a double value type.. doing a prompt for custom value will be a lot of work (especially for op code edits).. how about I just make a choice with values from 10, 100, 1000, 10000 , etc etc??
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