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Everything posted by Forzaken

  1. yeah it's better to use WARP whenever you play EHT. just to protect your IP. usually ban without minus eg "999" is account ban, and the one with minus eg "-19735" is ip ban. so that's why we use WARP. talking about book bundles, i can;t explain it haha. as for me, i've used 750 tech book bundle on 3 days old account and it's safe...
  2. all items inside material tab is safe to edit. i usually edited to 2m each material, more than 10m for rune stone, feather, and mana essence haha. have you try to use 'WARP' and remove the game data? just to make sure... and if you are new and not sure which item is safe, you better to hack 1 type of item at a time. because if you hack more than 1, when you got banned you will be confused which one trigger the ban. after you hack the item then use it and wait for 30-60 mins before you reopen the game. if you don't get banned it should be safe. anyway try to use 200 tech book bundles haha, don't be greedy and consumed too much item at one time.
  3. hmm quiet interesting lol... Im not sure about gem chest If you want world boss weapon, just edit the material. For chaos equipment, it should be safe based on my experience, been using chaos equipment with 4/4 stats for 3 weeks and still fine. Probably you got reported from colosseum if you equipped chaos equipment for your pvp hunters. If that's the case, just make sure don't use chaos equipment in colosseum. I personally mixing my pvp gears with some wb weapon and og gears. make sure you have end game helmet and belt to trick them thinking that you are a legit player. You know, what u gonna do when you found someone using early game helmet and belt while using chaos equipment, right? So just pay more attention with colosseum and you should be fine~
  4. So far safe: - Hunter name change card - Hunter appearance card - Chief name change card - (I forgot the item name) The key that used to open Darkness Front Yard, that has only 10 level - Item drop & Exp Buffs - Secret tech book bundle - Packet of shadow souls - Costume - Hunter Medal I don't know if there's more, u should test it. #EDIT# Another safe hack: - Darkness creatures level - GEXP
  5. some items can be directly edited. but most of items could trigger ban. Just follow this tutorial.
  6. There is bunch of tutorial on Youtube, find specific tutorial.
  7. i used virtual xposed, there is someone shared the tutorial here days ago.
  8. sorry first time using GG forum. Yes you still can bypass nhn appguard, look above my comment.
  9. Yes, all you need is to hide root for EHT. Im not sure about other devices, i use LD Player + Magisk. Works fine using magiskhide.
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