I can't automate the script so that it finds the two values I need, which I can find without the script..
In my case, these values are in gg.TYPE_FLOAT
this is one of the versions of my script, there were several of these versions, I will not publish everything because you are unlikely to need them, since they are most likely incorrectly made in the bark!
in our case, we are looking for what is shown in the screenshot, that this value will change to 0 and freeze
-- Script generated by GameGuardian 101.1 (16142) at 2024-11-29 17:50:37 for Hero Survival IO [com.game.hero.survival.war 1.6.8 (115)]
-- Lua help: http://gameguardian.net/help/
-- options
local scriptName = [=====[Script for Hero Survival IO 1.6.8]=====]
local scriptVersion = '1.0.0'
local scriptAuthor = 'User'
local startToast = ''
-- 0 - no check; 1 - check package only, 2 - check package and build
local checkTarget = 0
local targetName = [=====[Hero Survival IO]=====]
local targetPkg = 'com.game.hero.survival.war'
local targetVersion = [=====[1.6.8]=====]
local targetBuild = 115
-- functions
-- init
gg.require('101.1', 16142)
if startToast ~= '' then startToast = '\n'..startToast end
gg.toast(scriptName..' v'..scriptVersion..' by '..scriptAuthor..startToast)
if checkTarget ~= 0 then
local info = gg.getTargetInfo()
local check = false
local current = false
if checkTarget >= 1 then
check = targetPkg
current = info.packageName
if checkTarget >= 2 then
check = check..' '..targetVersion..' ('..targetBuild..')'
current = current..' '..info.versionName..' ('..info.versionCode..')'
if check ~= current then
gg.alert('This script for "'..targetName..'" ['..check..'].\nYou select "'..info.label..'" ['..current..'].\nNow script exit.')
local revert = nil
-- main code
-- Clear previous results and search for the float values in the range 0-120
gg.searchNumber("0~120", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0)
-- Get results and check if any were found
local results = gg.getResults(100)
if #results > 0 then
-- Freeze all the results that are float type
for i, v in ipairs(results) do
if v.flags == gg.TYPE_FLOAT then
v.value = "0" -- Set value to 0
v.freeze = true -- Freeze the value
gg.addListItems(results) -- Add modified results to the list
-- If no results were found, print a message
gg.toast("No values found in the range 0~120.")
-- Resume the game process